Reminder - Important MPRB Meeting Tonight Regarding the Fuji Ya "Waterworks" Project

Re: The Fuji Ya site near Mill Ruins Park on the Downtown Minneapolis Riverfront.
Please attend the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board meeting and hear firsthand details on a concept that has the potential to be the most important redevelopment project of the next 20 years on the West Bank of the Downtown Minneapolis Riverfront.
The first change has already been put in place - the Fuji Ya site is now being referred to as the "Waterworks" site. As part of this process a Non-Appointed Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) will be formed, allowing every interested citizen to be involved with, and even vote on, the final proposal.
The MPRB will hear a presentation and vote on a proposal from the Minneapolis Parks Foundation regarding redeveloping the former Fuji Ya site on the Minneapolis Riverfront.
Time: 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Location: MPRB Administrative Offices, Board Room Suite 255
Address: 2117 West River Road
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