Rebirth: The Mississippi's National Park to be re-aired on TPT

Produced for Friends of the Mississippi (FMR) by award-winning local filmmakers John Kaul and Tom Reiter with Twin Cities Public Television, and narrated by Minnesota Public Radio's Steve Seel, Rebirth: The Mississippi's National Park tells the little known story of the creation of the Mississippi River's first and only national park right here in the Twin Cities.
This designation, initiated locally by self-proclaimed "river rat" Tom Kelley and championed at the federal level by Sen. David Durenberger and Rep. Bruce Vento, sparked the local river renaissance we enjoy today — a river that is thriving with fish and bald eagles, a river increasingly connected to our communities via parks and trails, a river seen as an asset instead of a convenient dumping ground.
"Rebirth" will air on TPT-MN August 28, 6:30pm and September 4, 12:30am, 6:30am and 12:30pm (channel guide). You can watch the entire film below:
With challenges like agricultural pollution, development pressure and habitat degradation, this story reminds us of the powerful, long-term impact citizen-based stewardship and advocacy can have on the natural wonders we love.