Put Your Bike Away for the Winter? Try the New Power and Performance Training at 501SPIN

Dawn Doll, founder of 501SPIN, recently introduced the newest member of 501SPIN's Team, Leah Prudhomme. Leah is a pro elite female road racer/triathlete and Ironman finisher who holds the course record and won the State Championship Time Trial in 2010 and 2011.
Leah will be teaching 501SPIN's new Power and Performance 8-Week Endurance Edition Class beginning January 7, 2012.
Highlights of this new class are:
Endurance Maintain Speed and build energy to go the distance on the bike
Power Pedal through the pain, interval training, peak power and increased stamina, gain speed in every training session, increase power and passion towards next years racing season
Education Learn to train smarter not harder, by power, (THR) Threshold Heart Rate training, speed, (RPE) Rate of Perceived Exertion and recovery.
501SP1N is located at 501 Washington Avenue South, and shares space with 501F1T.
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