Public Forum: Design Alternatives for the Downtown East Commons on April 8 at the Mill City Museum

Mark your calenders / Wednesday, April 8 at Mill City Museum
Be the first to see the design alternatives for the newest Minneapolis Park.
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WHAT: On Wednesday, April 8, 2015 the City of Minneapolis will be hosting a public meeting at the Mill City Museum from 6:00-7:30 p.m. to unveil the first set of draft alternative approaches for the Downtown East Commons.
The draft alternative approaches will be presented by Hargreaves Associates, the nationally and internationally recognized landscape architecture firm the City hired to lead the project after a competitive Request for Proposal process. The draft approaches will incorporate feedback the Hargreaves-led design team received during a public meeting that took place on February 24, through the 2,350 plus surveys completed to date (online surveys will be accepted through March 31, 2015), and community outreach done by City staff.
Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to comment and ask questions about each approach. The design team will consolidate the feedback they receive at this meeting into a single preferred scheme for the Downtown East Commons design. The City currently has a public meeting planned for Wednesday, May 27, 2015 to present the preferred approach. The location is yet to be determined. For more details on the Downtown East Commons project visit the project website.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 8, 2015
WHERE: Mill City Museum, 704 South 2nd Street, Minneapolis
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MORE: Downtown East Commons
The Downtown East Commons is a two-block, 4.2-acre area bounded by Park Avenue, 4th and 5th Streets, and a proposed building on 5th Avenue South. The idea for a public green space was unveiled in May 2013 as a part of the Ryan Development concept now under construction in Downtown East.
The Commons will serve as a retreat for the everyday needs and wants of residents and daytime workers of Minneapolis as well as a destination for the City’s biggest events, including once in a decade events such as the 2018 Super Bowl and once in a year events such as civic celebrations.
Hargreaves Associates
Hargreaves Associates creates transformative public realm projects that embody a commitment to civic vitality and creative urban solutions, balancing complex social and ecological processes in bold simple ways. With offices in San Francisco, New York, and Cambridge, Hargreaves Associates works on landscape architecture and planning projects that encompass a wide range of scales and locations, both national and international. Signature projects include Discovery Green in Houston, TX; Crissy Field in San Francisco, CA; and both the Sydney Olympic Park in Australia and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London. Hargreaves Associates has received over three dozen American Society of Landscape Architecture awards and numerous international awards.
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