Proposed MPRB 2023 Tax Levy to Serve Youth in Crisis, Build Safer communities, and Care for Park Assets

At its July 20 meeting, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Commissioners voted unanimously to support a 2023 tax levy increase request to the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) of 6.16 percent to maintain current park service levels and to invest in youth, safety and security, and care for park assets. If passed by the BET, the levy increase for the MPRB will result in a 1.1 percent increase in city 2023 property taxes overall, which amounts to an approximate $18 annual increase in property taxes - less than $2 per month - for owners of a median value home.
“This Board is focused and committed to our youth, particularly those who are in crisis, to providing safe parks, and to streamlining and maximizing how the parks are taken care of,” explained Meg Forney, MPRB President.
The proposed tax levy includes three distinct elements:
- The first is to maintain current service levels, including $260,000 needed to support the MPRB’s 2021 six-year arrangement with the city for the historic $2.6 million youth investment that began in 2022, and $576,000 to offset the State of Minnesota Local Government Aid funding decrease due to the current legislative session ending without passage of a new tax bill.
- The second element is $389,000 for system equity investment largely due to the activation and increased use of parks within the downtown service area and regional park system. This investment will provide for increased safety and security with the addition of two Park Police Officers and the conversion of Part-Time Park Patrol Agent hours to two full-time Park Patrol Agents.
- The third element is $443,000 to support the Board adopted Strategic Direction to care for park assets to meet evolving needs and practices. This investment will provide professional staff, two Project Managers and one Systems Analyst, to identify and implement asset lifecycles to maximize maintenance, repair, rehabilitation and capital investments.
“We have the places and services to enrich the lives of every Minneapolis resident. We use racial equity tools and criteria for budgeting park investments and recreation funding, to ensure services and investments are directed to those who need them the most,” said Al Bangoura, Superintendent for the MPRB.
Currently, of every dollar homeowner’s pay for property taxes, 7.6 cents go to the MPRB.
As required by State Law, the BET sets the maximum tax levy for the City of Minneapolis, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, Municipal Building Commission and the Public Housing Authority on an annual basis. The BET is scheduled to set these maximum property tax levies on September 21, 2022.
If approved by the BET, the Superintendent will present a balanced 2023 recommended based on a 6.16 percent property levy increase on October 12, 2022. There will be public comment opportunities October 26, November 2 and 16, and December 7 and 14. The Board will consider the Superintendent’s budget and adopt the 2023 tax levy and 2023 budget on December 14, 2022.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is an independently governed park system featuring 180 park properties totaling 6,817 acres of land and water. It provides places and recreation opportunities for all people to gather and engage in activities that promote health, well-being, community and the environment. Its Grand Rounds Scenic Byway, waterfront access, trail system, neighborhood parks, recreation centers, recreation amenities and diversified programming have made the park system an important component of what makes Minneapolis a great place to live, visit, play and work. An estimated 29.6 million annual visits are made to the nationally and locally acclaimed park system.