Positions Open on Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission
The City of Minneapolis currently has four seats available for appointment or reappointment on the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC). All four seats will be appointments of the City Council. The HPC, Minneapolis CPED Department and the Minneapolis City Council seek your help in filling appointments to the HPC. If you or someone you know is a resident of Minneapolis, has an interest or knowledge in historic preservation, architecture, archeology, social history, restoration, rehabilitation or another closely related field, and would like to serve on the HPC, please see the posting on the City Clerk’s website and fill out an application:
Persons may apply on their own behalf, nominate others for consideration or inform the Office of the City Clerk of persons to whom they wish application materials be sent. Please note that, at this time, there is a particular need for appointees with demonstrated expertise in the fields of historic property development and/or preservation architecture. Applications are due by Friday, September 30, 2011.
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