People Serving People Staff Provide Valuable Resources to Project Homeless Connect

People Serving People (PSP), located at 614 South 3rd Street, provides emergency housing and community services that assist families experiencing homelessness in becoming self-sufficient and reconnected with the community.
On Monday, May 23, many of PSP's staff will be at the Convention Center to assist with the semi-annual Project Homeless Connect event. Their staff will also manage the children's center during the event.
Project Homeless Connect, based on a nationally implemented best practice, is a one-stop service center of comprehensive support services for people experiencing homelessness.
The last event on December 13, 2010, was also held at the Convention Center and utilized more than 160,000 square feet of the facility. At that event, an astounding 125 separate service agencies provided a continuum of services that included mental and chemical health care, employment training and placement, comprehensive medical and dental care, haircuts, ID assistance, and voicemail services. Over 500 service providers and 1,000 volunteers helped more than 1,900 individuals obtain services.
According to their website, Project Homeless Connect is a service delivery model that has consistently been proven to be crucial in eliminating barriers to housing, employment, education, and the myriad other factors that contribute to long-term homelessness.
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