Pedestrian Advisory Committee Seeking Members - Application Review Process Begins April 4

Minneapolis' Pedestrian Advisory Committee, created 5 years ago, is charged with advising the Mayor and City Council on policies, programs and actions for improving pedestrian safety, mobility, accessibility and comfort; for promoting walking for transportation, recreation and health purposes; and for strengthening the linkage between the pedestrian environment and public transportation.
The committee is composed of 15 voting members who reside or own a business in the City and who have an interest in promoting walking and improving the pedestrian environment in Minneapolis.
There are eight Council-appointed vacancies for a term beginning July 1, 2011, and expiring June 30, 2013. These positions will remain open until filled, with the application review process to begin on Monday, April 4.
The committee also includes non-voting members from City Departments and partner agencies with an interest in and impact on pedestrian issues to provide expertise on pedestrian issues and to serve as a liaison between the committee and City departments and partner agencies.
Click here for more information, including the application process.
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