Participate in NOAA’s 2024 Urban Heat Island Mapping Campaign, July 27

From the June 12 Hennepin Environmental Education News:
Get involved: collect data on urban heat - Saturday, July 27
Hennepin and Ramsey counties are seeking volunteer “street scientists” to help discover which areas of the community are hottest during extreme heat.
Volunteers will mount heat sensors on their cars and drive designated routes on one of the hottest days of the year. The data is being gathered as part of NOAA’s 2024 Urban Heat Island Mapping Campaign. Volunteers will get $25 pre-paid debit cards as a thank you.
This data, paired with community engagement, analysis, and modeling, will help develop hyper-local descriptions of where the hottest parts of neighborhoods are, inform strategies to reduce the health impacts of extreme heat, and better provide cooling relief for those living in the hottest areas.
Learn more about the project, and complete the volunteer interest form to get involved.
Have a group of people that wants to participate? One person from your group can fill out the form and indicate how many additional people are interested.