Parkways Reopen to Motor Vehicles Beginning August 3 (With Construction-related Exceptions)

This is a reminder that all Minneapolis parkways closed to motor vehicle traffic and open to trail users will go back to allowing motor vehicle traffic beginning Monday, Aug. 3.
On Aug. 3, workers will begin removing barriers and other traffic control in place at Cedar Lake, Lake Harriet, West Bde Maka Ska and West River Parkways. Most parkways will be open to motor vehicle traffic by Wednesday, Aug. 5, with several construction-related exceptions.
West River Parkway will remain closed in three sections due to construction projects:
- Between 4th Avenue North and the Stone Arch Bridge parking lot for the Water Works project. Trail traffic will be routed onto one lane of the parkway.
- Between 13th and 22nd Avenues South for repairs to the 10th Avenue SE Bridge and Bridge #9, which serves the Dinkytown Greenway trail.
- Between East 33rd and 36th Streets for a sewer improvement project.
Theodore Wirth Parkway is also closed between 29th Avenue North and Golden Valley Road for a road resurfacing project. Please follow posted detours and stay away from areas where construction work is happening.
In late March the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) began closing parkways or park roads adjacent to its most popular trails to allow more space for trail users to follow social distancing practices and limit the spread of COVID-19. Several adjustments were made throughout the spring and summer in response to parkway conditions and demand, as well as efficiently use funds allocated toward maintaining the closures.
At its May 6, 2020 meeting, MPRB Commissioners passed Resolution 2020-202, which granted MPRB Superintendent Al Bangoura authority to spend up to $250,000 on a series of parkway closures enacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those funds will be exhausted by Aug. 3.
Please continue to stay at least six feet apart from people not in your own household while using parks and trails. Other guidelines park users are asked to follow to limit the spread of COVID-19 while using parks and trails:
- Bring a water bottle. Most MPRB water fountains are not operational.
- Bring disinfectant wipes or hand sanitizer. Most MPRB restroom buildings remain closed.
- Do not use parks if you feel sick or have COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, body aches, coughing, nasal congestion, runny nose and sore throat.
- Cover your cough with your elbow, don’t cough into your hands.
- Wash your hands immediately before and after visiting a park or trail.
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