Open Eye Theatre Announces 2024-2025 Season

Open Eye Theatre unveils its captivating 2024-2025 season, promising a diverse lineup of innovative productions that will ignite imaginations and stir souls.
With Open Eye’s commitment to Minnesota artists and communities, the season’s unique and profound theatre, puppetry, storytelling, and music offer something eye-opening for all audiences.
"We are thrilled to present a season brimming with imagination, diversity, and artistic excellence," says Open Eye Theatre’s Producing Artistic Director Joel Sass. "We invite audiences of all ages to join us for an unforgettable theatrical adventure."
The season kicks off with special encore performances from the Puppeteers of America National Festival’s Minneapolis Puppetry Palate - A Taste of Puppetry.
August 15, 2024: MIGRACIONES/MIGRATIONS - This acclaimed performance explores the global migration situation, and draws on the artists' own surreal experiences in the U.S. immigration system while inspiring compassionate perspectives from the global refugee crisis.
August 17, 2024: THE AMAZING GNIP GNOP CIRCUS - Step right up and allow Z Puppets to astound you with a glow-in-the-dark, ping pong ball spectacular! Open Eye’s Mainstage Season explodes with a vibrant mix of productions, including sci-fi vaudeville, spine-tingling suspense, genre-bending puppetry, the return of last year’s hit holiday production, and an acclaimed musical fable!
September 5 – 22, 2024: MOONWATCHERS - Inspired comic clowning, live music, and all manner of lunar lunacy abound in this sci-fi vaudeville entertainment that was a runaway hit of the 2022 MN Fringe Festival.
October 3 – 31, 2024: BROOMSTICK - Open Eye offers up a frightfully fun show perfectly suited to the season of ghosts, haunted houses, black cats and pumpkins. Don’t miss this twisted yarn of delightful humor and spine-tingling suspense that will conjure a spooky experience unlike any other.
November 14 – 16, 2024: FULL MOON PUPPET SHOW - Featuring works by Lys Ackerman-Frank, Brant Bollman, David Valentine, Felicia Cooper, Eva Adderley, Mackenzie Lageson & Kaden Kelsheimer, Monica Rojas, and Steve Ackerman. Join us under the full moon for an adult, rowdy puppet cabaret. Featuring performances by some of the most innovative Twin Cities puppetry artists and live music between acts!
November 29 – December 29, 2024: SCROOGE IN ROUGE - Celebrate the season with a Christmas Carol turned holiday boilermaker – a raucous, drag-fueled extravaganza with outrageous costumes, sassy lyrics, and side-splitting performances guaranteed to get your spirits soaring!
March 6 – 15, 2025: INVISIBLE FENCES - Singer-songwriter Gaelynn Lea and storyteller-playwright Kevin Kling combine their talents in an original musical fable, which weaves together storytelling and song to create a unique theatrical experience celebrating Disability Culture. After co-commissioning INVISIBLE FENCES last summer for a sold out run, we’re excited to bring it back for a two-week engagement!
May 9 – 18, 2025: PUPPET LAB FESTIVAL - PUPPET LAB is a 2-week festival of radical, genre-expanding, boundary–pushing puppet work, the culmination of a 6-month development residency for emerging puppetry and mask artists.
The season culminates with two exciting productions in our Guest Artist Series. In addition to our MainStage productions, Open Eye is deeply committed to curating and presenting a dynamic Guest Artist Series that highlights emerging local artists and innovative performing ensembles who tell stories in ways that are fresh, fun, and experimental.
March 22 - April 13, 2025: WITCH - One of the Twin Cities’ most established advocates of new work and provocative scripts will present a new work in our intimate space.
May 29 – June 8, 2025: ODE TO WALT WHITMAN - Bart Buch’s acclaimed ODE TO WALT WHITMAN is a tender, silent puppet poem that uncovers a dialogue between Walt Whitman and Federico Garcia Lorca. Within the context of an online gay chat room, their poetic dialogue contrasts Whitman’s America, a nation full of lovers and comrades, with what Garcia Lorca sees, an America inundated with machines and tears.