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Now Available Online: Info on Housing and Commercial Building 311 Requests

From the June 10th City of Minneapolis e-newsletter:

Easily look up housing and commercial condition 311 complaints online with any device. Search by address to find any recent calls or calls resolved in the last year. This makes it easier to follow up on your own complaints, to find information on a place you’re thinking about renting or buying, or to find the status of a complaint on a place you own.

If an issue is found at the property, you can see the specific violation name and date. Examples include: trash, overgrown vegetation, broken window and fire safety issues, as well as conditions inside a rental property: utilities, safety concerns, code violations, etc.

The tool will also give you a link to see the address on the violations dashboard. Use this to find more information on orders at the property. This information used to be stored in different places and people had to call 311 to follow up, or potentially call an inspector. Now, anyone can see the complaint, the status of the complaint and the result in one place.

Go to the 311 tool online or the Minneapolis DataSource.

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