Northeast Riverfront Liquor Store Project Moves Forward

The Minneapolis Planning Commission approved a controversial project by Krause Liquor to build a liquor store on Broadway Ave. near the Minneapolis Riverfront on Wednesday, April 23. Despite a 9-1 vote against the project by the St. Anthony West Neighborhood Organization, and overwhelming opposition from local residents, the Planning Commission voted unanimously in favor of the project. The project needs additional approvals, including the Council of the Whole, before breaking ground.
From the City of Minneapolis website:
2. Krause Liquor Store (BZZ-6425, Ward: 3), 80 Broadway St NE (Janelle Widmeier). This item was continued from the March 3 and March 24, 2014 meetings.
A. Conditional Use Permit: Application by DJR Architecture, on behalf of Steve Krause, for a conditional use permit to allow a liquor store located at 80 Broadway St NE.
Recommended Motion: The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt the findings and approve the application for a conditional use permit to allow a liquor store for the property located at 80 Broadway St NE, subject to the following condition:
- The conditional use permit shall be recorded with Hennepin County as required by Minn. Stat. 462.3595, subd. 4 before building permits may be issued or before the use or activity requiring a conditional use permit may commence. Unless extended by the zoning administrator, the conditional use permit shall expire if it is not recorded within two years of approval.
B. Site Plan Review: Application by DJR Architecture, on behalf of Steve Krause, for a site plan review to allow a new 1-story, approximately 7,700 square foot building located at 80 Broadway St NE.
Recommended Motion: The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt the findings and approve the site plan review application to allow a new 1-story, approximately 7,500 square foot building for the property located at 80 Broadway St NE, subject to the following conditions:
- Not less than 30 percent of the Broadway St NE building elevation shall be windows that comply with the standards of section 530.120(b) of the zoning code.
- Not less than 25 percent of the parking lot building elevation shall be windows that comply with the standards of section 530.120(b) of the zoning code.
- At least 4 boulevard trees shall be planted in the Broadway St right-of-way, at least 2 boulevard trees shall be planted in the Marshall St right-of-way, and at least 3 boulevard trees shall be planted in the 11th Ave right-of-way.
- Not less than 6 canopy trees shall be provided in the required landscaped yards between the parking area and Marshall St and 11th Ave as required by section 530.170 of the zoning code.
- Department of Community Planning and Economic Development staff review and approval of the final building elevations, floor, fixture, site, lighting and landscape plans.
- Site improvements required by Chapter 530 or by the City Planning Commission shall be completed by April 23, 2016, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance.
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