Nicollet Mall Closed for Repaving Approximately 4 Weeks

Beginning at 9:00am on Monday, April 11, Nicollet Mall will close for repaving. This project is expected to last four weeks.
During the project, buses will be detoured as follows:
Buses will travel on Hennepin Avenue between Washington Avenue and 11th/12th Streets, using Lasalle and 11th/12th Streets between Grant and Hennepin. Board northbound buses on Grant at LaSalle or at any stop on Hennepin.
Board southbound buses on Nicollet at Grant or at any stop on Hennepin.
Note: On the North end of their trips, Route 18 buses will travel on Washington to Marquette to 1st Street North to Hennepin. They will not serve 3rd Street.
For questions, contact:
Renee Allen, Crime Prevention Specialist
Minneapolis Police Department, First Precinct
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