New Season Underway for Mill City Emanuel Singers

The Mill City Emanuel Singers are back! We began rehearsal on Saturday, September 10th at MacPhail. There were many singers who returned and several new singers. It was a wonderful rehearsal with introductions and singing together . . . and we sounded pretty good, too! Remember, you are welcome ANY time and we are blessed every time you can attend. Our schedule for the first five weeks of practice is as follows:
September 17 MacPhail Center for Music 2:00-3:30
September 24 Mill City Museum 2:00-3:30
October 1 MacPhail Center for Music 2:00-3:30
October 8 Mill City Museum 2:00-3:30
October 15 MacPhail Center for Music 2:00-3:30
There are at least 2 performances, with more to come. The first is on Sunday, September 25, directed by JD in a massed choir, singing Hold On. You can read about it at or at We have also been asked to be part of a massed choir for an event on Ending Street Homelessness in Minneapolis on Sunday, November 13th.
It was an exciting start! Our goal is to need a BIGGER room. Please invite your friends and neighbors. Give them the 'JD challenge". Come once, and if you can resist us after that, it is all good, but I am betting you won't be able to resist the attraction of this experience. If you have any questions, suggestions, and/or any help, please contact Claudia Kittock at