New Minneapolis Park and Rec Board Online Meeting Portal is More User Friendly

Via a May 11 email from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Launches New Online Meeting Portal
As part of its commitment to sustainable practices, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is launching a new Online Meeting Portal, which can be easily accessed from the MPRB homepage (under Commissioner Meetings).
The user-friendly portal will allow MPRB commissioners, staff, and interested community members to easily search, access and retrieve Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Commissioner meeting agendas, minutes and related meeting materials on laptops, tablets or other electronic devices.
"The new portal provides MPRB staff and Commissioners with newly streamlined processes and will eliminate the need to print board packets, which oftentimes exceed 150 pages," said Superintendent, Jayne Miller. "As Commissioners and staff learn how to use the new portal during 2012, we will migrate to a paperless board packet. Since we meet more than 25 times a year, this will significantly reduce the amount of paper used by Park Board Commissioners and staff."
Wireless internet is available and meeting attendees are encouraged to access the meeting portal on their electronic device. Commissioner meetings are broadcast live from 5-9 p.m. on the City of Minneapolis Government Meeting Channel 79 on Comcast cable, and online for real-time viewing. Recent meeting webcasts are available for on-demand viewing on the new meeting portal.
Only bi-weekly commissioner meetings are moving to the new portal. MPRB Planning and other department meeting information and materials will remain on the Park Board's website.
For more information about MPRB board meetings or to subscribe to emails about board meetings or other areas of interest, visit
CONTACT: Dawn Sommers
Communications and Marketing Manager
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
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