New Feature: Great River Digest

Our city was born on the Mississippi River over 150 years ago. After decades of abuse & indifference, it's once again central to the future of Minneapolis. Stay on top of the the news, events and people impacting our Great River. This week's Great River Digest...
Public Invited to Review Plan to Repair Bridge Between Boom Island Park And Nicollet Island
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) will host an Open House for the Boom Island-Nicollet Island Bridge Repairs project on Thursday, Oct. 6, 6-7:30 pm at MPRB headquarters.
A River at Risk
The Mississippi is North America’s greatest river. But in Minnesota, home to its headwaters, sweeping changes in the landscape are putting water quality at risk.
Mighty Mississippi River faces mounting ecological threats
The greatest river in North America begins in Minnesota. But our pristine stretch of the Mississippi faces mounting environmental threats.
Northern Metal: The present and future
The Northern Metal recycling location at 2800 Pacific St. N. in Minneapolis has been in the news recently because of complaints, then legal action regarding pollution standards.
East Bank Trail offers river views in Northeast
If you’re looking for a new trail to refresh your bike path options before winter sets in, check out the new East Bank Trail in northeast Minneapolis.
Mississippi River: Wildlife making a comeback, but please don't swim
A million people in the Twin Cities drink water pumped from the mighty Mississippi River, and more than 50,000 Minnesota kids play in it every year.
Mississippi River requires agriculture's help to stay healthy
If Minnesotans want to leave a river future generations can enjoy and tap for drinking water, greater contributions are needed from individual consumers and, in particular, a powerful state industry — agriculture.
Report finds a new pollutant — tiny bits of plastics and fiber — building up in the Mississippi
Microscopic fibers and pieces of plastic are accumulating at the bottom of the Mississippi River in the metro area, posing a rising threat to fish and other wildlife and reflecting changes in urban life along its banks.
Next Week: MRP Backyard by the River
What’s in a revitalized Mississippi Riverfront for you? Access to the river via the new Paddle Share program? A cleaner river water body thanks to the population growth of clams? New concert venues with our dramatic downtown skyline? The extension of pedestrian and bike trails adjacent to the shoreline of the longest river in the world? These are but a few of the exciting changes happening at the Mississippi River that runs through the heart of Minneapolis.