New Development Coming to the Mill District at 800 South Washington Avenue or the “Guthrie Liner Parcel”

The City of Minneapolis is Seeking Redevelopment Proposals for the City-Owned Property Located at 800 South Washington Avenue or the “Guthrie Liner Parcel”
The City of Minneapolis is seeking redevelopment proposals for the City-owned property located at 800 South Washington Avenue, commonly referred to as the “Guthrie Liner Parcel.” The 24,419 square foot site is the undeveloped portion of the block that runs along Washington Avenue from Chicago Avenue to Ninth Avenue and is immediately adjacent to the Riverfront (Guthrie) parking ramp.
This parcel benefits from significant public and private investments in the immediate vicinity, including the Mill City Museum, Mill Ruins Park, West River Parkway, and its associated riverfront trails, Open Book, Guthrie Theater complex, American Academy of Neurology headquarters, Mill City Farmers Market, the new multipurpose stadium, and the Ryan/Wells Fargo development.
The City’s development goals for the project include maximizing the site’s development potential and contributing to the vibrancy of the Mill District area with a well-designed development that will bring employees, residents, customers, hotel guests and/or visitors to the area. If housing is included in the proposal, the City would like to see a mixed-income project with at least 20% of the proposed units affordable to households at or below 50% of Area Median Income. Additionally, the City would like to see proposals that, at a minimum, include retail at both corners fronting along Washington Avenue.
“Washington Avenue could be a happening, bustling boulevard teaming with vibrancy, people, and shopping,” said Ward 3 Council Member Jacob Frey, “To realize this potential, however, we need proposals that activate the street level in a big way, so substantial ground floor retail is an absolute must.”
Questions regarding the Request for Proposal (RFP) must be submitted via e-mail to Bob Lind, City of Minneapolis, Department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED), 105 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401, no later than Wednesday, April 8, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. CST. Questions will be answered and posted on the CPED website by Wednesday, April 22, 2015 CST.
Proposals are due to City offices no later than 4:00 p.m. CST Wednesday, May 20, 2015. Proposals received after the deadline will not be accepted. The redevelopment RFP for 800 South Washington Avenue or the “Guthrie Liner Parcel” is available below:
Reader Comments (3)
Yes there Has to be retail or restaurant on first floor some thing for people to WALK TO while in the area.
We are currently in the house hunt and have been looking at condo housing in Mill City, North Loop and Lakes area in Uptown. We like Mill City area but have been really let down by the quality of the condos available (looking at $500K and less), as well as the relative lack of things to do compared to these other neighborhoods. I love hearing about investment in these areas, Mpls can be so much more! I work downtown and live in South Mpls near Lake Harriet.
I purchased a condo in the Mill District in 2011 and the quality of my unit is excellent and I didn't pay anywhere near 500K. The issue is VERY limited inventory in the Mill District. In fact there are only 50 units total available downtown in ALL price ranges. The reason North Loop is more developed is due to greater availability of lease spaces (old warehouses, docks, buildings, etc.) that are not present in the Mill District. Target Field brought in a lot of development and so will the new Vikings stadium and new condos and apartments, but it will have to be new construction.