Neighborhood Volunteer Opportunities

Our Mill District neighbor, Claudia Kittock, would like to spread awareness of two volunteer opportunities in the area: Webster Elementary and Mile in My Shoes.
Webster Elementary opens this fall to serve downtown Minneapolis. Initially the classes will be K-2, and a grade will be added each year thereafter.
They will need volunteers to assist teachers throughout the day, help with the literacy hour by reading with children (every day, but times are yet to be determined), in the lunch room and possibly at recess. Once staff is hired and final numbers are received from the district office, details will be provided. Whatever time you have is welcome!
To volunteer for Webster, email Kaylie Burns Gahagan at An application can be filled out online. All volunteers are required to attend an orientation session -to begin August 4.
The other organization is Mile in My Shoes (MiMS). Their goal is to foster wellness, empathy and empowerment within individuals and communities by bringing together diverse populations through the power of running. Members are made up of guests of the Emanuel House and the local running community.
This group meets 6:00am – 7:00am Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Emanuel House, 818 South 3rd Street - rain or shine. They warm-up, run, and cool down together, with routes ranging from 1-3 miles. If interested, please send an email to Mishka at and specify that you wish to run with the Emanuel House group. This Minneapolis Running article from last Fall provides insight on what MiMS is all about.
Feel free to contact Claudia at with questions on either of these opportunities.
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