MPRB Seasonal Maintenance Update: New Online Map Shows Real-time Drinking Fountain Status

After a heatwave and snow all in a few days, more traditional spring weather seems to be taking hold. Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) staff have been monitoring the forecast all along and working to open park restrooms, turn on drinking fountains and bottle-filler stations and start up other seasonal plumbing.
New: Online map shows drinking fountain status
The map shows where and when drinking fountains are operating in parks, along trails, at golf courses and other places in the park system. Click on the dot for each fountain to see its features and when it was turned on or off or closed for repairs.
The map can help park users when planning activities, especially in spring and fall when seasonal preparations are underway. It's available at or
Priorities for plumbing start-up
In general, staff turn on water at park facilities in the following order. Priorities are based on site type and water functions, with exceptions for special needs, such as garden irrigation.
- High-use buildings and rental sites (picnics, weddings, events)
- Exterior restrooms and drinking fountains
- Irrigation and decorative fountains
Coming in May: Updates on openings for wading pools and splash pads, Webber Natural Swimming Pool, and Lupient and North Commons water parks. (Note: Webber and some other pools are filled before they officially open.)
Thanks for your patience and support during spring maintenance season in the parks.
Find out more about maintenance in the Minneapolis park system.