Minnesota State Flag And Seal Designs Available for Public Viewing

Photo: CBS News
More than 2,600 design submissions now available to view online
The public is invited to see what Minnesotans think the next state flag and seal should look like. More than 2,600 designs were submitted to the State Emblems Redesign Commission during a one-month period, and the qualifying submissions are now available online.
Minnesota state flag designs make up about 85% of the submissions. Those are available to view at https://serc.mnhs.org/flags.
Minnesota state seal designs make up approximately 15% of submissions. Those are available to view at https://serc.mnhs.org/seals.
Both links have also been added to the State Emblems Redesign Commission website (www.mnhs.org/serc)
Later this month, the Commission will select five submissions each for the new state seal and state flag. The Commission will select one design (or a modified version) to be utilized as the basis for each emblem.
The State Emblems Redesign Commission was established in the 2023 legislative session to develop and adopt a new design for the official state seal and a new design for the official state flag no later than January 1, 2024.
As outlined in state legislation, the Minnesota Historical Society is providing administrative support to the State Emblems Redesign Commission.