Minneapolis Streets Closing Around US Bank Stadium in Preparation for Super Bowl LII

Via a January 2 e-newletter from the City of Minneapolis:
The City began the first phase of street closures around U.S. Bank Stadium this morning in preparation for Super Bowl LII on Sunday, February 4.
The closures include:
• Chicago Avenue between Fourth and Sixth streets;
• Norm McGrew Place between Third and Fourth Street; and
• Fifth Street South between 11th Avenue South and the loading dock of the 511 Building.
The closures will remain in effect until mid-February.
Over the past several months, the City of Minneapolis has worked closely with stakeholders, including the Minnesota Super Bowl Host Committee, NFL, their vendors and several other local partners to craft a traffic management plan that will enhance the Super Bowl LII experience while providing as minimum disruption to traffic and parking as possible.
Stay up-to-date on the latest information related to Super Bowl LII street closures by signing up for City traffic alerts at minneapolismn.gov/traffic. For more City-related Super Bowl LII information, go to minneapolismn.gov/SuperBowl. For additional travel tips for the 10-day Super Bowl festival, visit mnsuperbowl.com/transportation.