Minneapolis RiverCurrent 4-2-15

*****Check These Out*****
River Hub Event Site
The folks at Mill City Times recently launched River Hub, the most complete (they believe) listing of events related to the Minneapolis riverfront on the web. The goal with River Hub is to serve the large community of people passionate about our riverfront by helping you stay up-to-date on events impacting the river AND to serve event planners by helping to avoid scheduling conflicts with other river-related events to the extent possible. River Hub is a very simple site - just an activities list and a page for readers to submit events. That's it. There are plenty of great sources for general riverfront news, but they wanted to make RH as easy to use as possible, so they decided to focus on just one thing. Back in 2010 Mill City Times was launched as a simple web directory of local businesses, mainly because as new residents of the Riverfront they needed a resource for our own use (none existed). It quickly took on a life of its own and has been growing ever since. As they've become more engaged with Riverfront planning and advocacy, they spend an inordinate amount of time just trying to stay in the loop. Dozens of websites are checked weekly just to stay on top of things, and they figured they might as well make use of that effort. So, out of passion and a little bit of frustration, River Hub was born: http://www.riverhub.org/
Aerial of Redevelopment Planned and Under Way
Courtesy of Mill City Times, here’s an aerial view of development projects in the Mill District Neighborhood of Downtown Minneapolis: https://youtu.be/uZ74eDnjfHc
*****Events and Activities*****
Crunch’s Wolves Run
Saturday, April 4, 9 am
Boom Island, 724 Sibley Street NE
You’re invited to join the 7th Annual 5K Run and Kids Fun Run. All registrations include a ticket to the Minnesota Timberwolves vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Fan Appreciation game on April 15 at 7 pm at Target Center. Participants also will get a chance to purchase additional game tickets at a reduced price, receive a commemorative race t-shirt and meet the Timberwolves mascot Crunch! For information and to register: http://www.active.com/mineapolis-mn/running/distance-running-races/crunch-s-wolves-run-2015.
North Loop Candy Grab
Saturday, April 4, 9:30 am
North Loop Playground, Fourth Avenue North and West River Parkway
This annual event will include prize eggs (age-specific hunts) and games and will be held rain or shine. Free admission. Sponsored by Corner Church and the North Loop Neighborhood Association. https://www.facebook.com/events/497643080299928/
A Sip of Science: Keeping the Flying Carp Grounded: Optimizing Mississippi River Lock and Dams to Block Silver and Bighead Carp
Wednesday, April 8, 5:30 pm
Aster Café, 125 Main Street SE
A SIP OF SCIENCE bridges the gap between science and culture in a setting that bridges the gap between brain and belly. Food, beer and learning are on the menu in a happy hour forum that puts science in context through storytelling. Silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead (H. nobilis) carps (collectively known as “Asian carp”) are reproducing as far north as Pool 19 near Keokuk, Iowa, and threaten to expand northward into Minnesota waters where few have been caught to date. In 2014, researchers at the University of Minnesota, led by Dr. Peter Sorensen, began work on a project aimed at optimizing the Upper Mississippi River lock and dam systems for blocking Asian carp through gate modifications while using acoustic deterrents in locks. The first objective of the project combines computational modelling with experimental swimming tests to identify changes to gate operation that might inhibit passage of Asian carp while having minimal impacts on native fish. The second objective seeks to develop and test acoustic deterrents to keep Asian carp out of lock chambers (sound is ideal for this effort as Asian carp are more sensitive to sound than most native fishes, and thus can be targeted in a species-specific manner). This presentation will provide a brief primer on Asian carp in the U.S. and details on how locks and dams might be turned into velocity and acoustic barriers for Asian carp, including the installation and function of an acoustic deterrent system at Lock and Dam #8 (Genoa, Wisconsin). Presenter Dr. Zielinski is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center specializing in ecohydraulics, underwater acoustics and numerical modeling. The talk takes place during happy hour at the Aster Café. No cover; food and drink will be available for purchase. Please RSVP to: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/april-sip-of-science-keeping-the-flying-carp-grounded-optimizing-mississippi-river-lock-and-dams-to-tickets-16382274825?aff=affiliate1.
Friends of the Mississippi River presents:
State of the River
Saturday, April 11, 11 am – 12 noon
Fulton Brewery Taproom, 414 Sixth Avenue North
How is the health of the Mississippi River? Can I safely swim in it? Can I eat the fish I catch? What can we do about silver and other invasive carp? How are bald eagles faring? To answer these questions, Friends of the Mississippi River partnered with the National Park Service's Mississippi National River and Recreation Area unit to develop the "State of the River Report." Join the report's principal authors -- FMR Watershed Program Director Trevor Russell and MNRRA Water Quality Coordinator Lark Weller -- at Fulton Brewery for this brief overview of the report's key findings. From invasive "flying" carp to bacterial contamination, from eagles to swimability, Trevor and Lark will spend the first half-hour quickly highlighting the most important trends and emerging issues as well as potential solutions. The second half-hour will be reserved for an informal Q & A session. To make sure everyone has a chance to ask questions, and due to limited seating, capacity is limited and advance registration is required. For more information and to register: http://fmr.org/participate/events/state_of_the_river-2015-04-11.
Whiskey on Ice
Sunday, April 12, 1:30 – 8 pm
The Depot, 225 Third Avenue South
Whiskey On Ice is Minnesota's premier whiskey celebration. It will bring together nearly 100 distilleries from around the world for an evening Grand Tasting for 500 whiskey lovers. In addition, four Whiskey Masterclass tasting seminars will be held in advance of the Grand Tasting, each focusing on a particular whiskey portfolio. Attendees also will enjoy special amenities such as the Ashton Cigar and Cocktail Lounge, complementary food and water stations, as well as select beers from Surly Brewing Company. For more information and tickets: http://www.whiskeyonicemn.com/about-the-venue.html.
Kroening Interpretive Center Programs (Three Rivers Park District)
North Mississippi Regional Park, 4900 Mississippi Court
For information: 763-694-7693; for map and driving instructions: http://www.minneapolisparks.org/default.asp?PageID=4&parkid=430. For programs that require reservations, call 763-559-6700 or register on-line: http://www.threeriversparkdistrict.org.
My Preschooler & Me: Nature Explorers - Mud is My Home
Tuesday, April 14, 10 – 11:30 am
Introduce your little one to the wonders of nature through hands-on play, stories, games, and outdoor exploration. Cost is $5, and reservations are required; reference activity #216903-07. This program is for ages 2-5 and both adult and child pay.
Heron Homecoming and Shuttle
Wednesday, April 15, 9:30 -- 11:30 am, or 12:30 -- 2:30 pm
Celebrate the spring return of the great blue herons. Discover the lives and travels of these magnificent birds through a digital photo journal. Shuttle to the rookery, and watch as these birds work rebuilding nests and settling in. Refreshments provided. Cost is $5, and reservations are required; reference activity #216917-02 for the morning shuttle, or #216917-03 for the afternoon shuttle. This program is for ages 16+. http://www.threeriversparks.org/events/H/heron-homecoming-and-shuttle.aspx
Global Youth Service Day - Independent Projects
Park and River Cleanup
Friday, April 17, 9 am – 3 pm (drop in any time)
Saturday, April 18, 10 am – 4 pm (drop in any time)
Help clean up what winter left behind. This project must be done with an adult leader. Registration required. To register: http://www.threeriversparks.org/events/G/global-youth-service-day---independent-projects.aspx. Groups must call 763-559-6700 to register.
Earth Day at Three Rivers: Pollinators and River Clean-up
Saturday, April 18, 10 am – 12 noon
Celebrate the 45th anniversary of Earth Day! Explore the buzz on bumble bees. Taste wild honey, and try on a beekeeper suit. Safely uncover leaf-cutter bee nest boxes, and peek into their hidden lives. Make a nest box to take home. Help pollinators by picking up trash in their homes along the riverbanks and prairie. Take a selfie with your favorite trash treasure. Drop in anytime. This program is free and open to all ages. Children 17 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
Free Family Fun Day: Voyageur Life
Sunday, April 19, 1 – 3 pm, ongoing
Drop in anytime! Explore a different topic each week through hands-on activities that everyone can enjoy at their own pace. What was a day in the life of a voyageur? Dress up like these fur traders of the North Country and learn to play games and paddle, too. Weather permitting, we will cook up a yummy treat, voyageur-style. This program is free and open to all ages, but children younger than 17 must be accompanied by an adult.
Samples of Classes and Activities at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts
1011 Washington Avenue South, 612-215-2520, http://www.mnbookarts.org.
Hours: Monday 10 am -- 5 pm, Tuesday 10 am -- 9 pm, Wednesday-Saturday 10 am -- 5 pm, Sunday 12 noon – 4 pm
Class details, instructor biographies, registration details and online registration are all available at above web site. You may also register by calling 612-215-2520. Note: This is only a sampling of classes, focusing on those that are less expensive and that don’t require experience.
Book Arts Roundtable with artist-in-residence Susan Lowdermilk
Tuesday, April 14, 6 pm
Susan Lowdermilk is a book artist and printmaker, based in Eugene, Oregon. Her work includes woodcut, wood engraving and etching, and she teaches courses in printmaking, artist books and graphic design at Lane Community College in Eugene. Lowdermilk holds a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Oregon and her work is in many public collections including the University of Oregon Special Collections, the Getty Museum, the Library of Congress and the New York Public Library. Lowdermilk will be working in MCBA's studio in April and May 2015, completing a pop-up LED book of Emily Dickinson poetry. Join us for this Roundtable to meet the artist and learn more about her exciting and innovative work! This event is free and open to the public.
Kirie: The Japanese Art of Paper Cutting
with Sheila Asato
Five Wednesdays: April 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13; 6 – 9 pm
In this class we will explore the Japanese art of Kirie (paper cutting) which has been experiencing a bit of a boom in Japan lately. Think of Kirie as drawing with an X-Acto knife. It is a very direct method of creating bold, satisfying designs in paper that work nicely in books, as well as for printmaking. Through the practice of Kirie, participants will learn how to see the beauty of line, contrast and negative spaces in a new and dynamic way that will enliven their work in book arts and beyond. No previous drawing or art experience is necessary to enjoy this lovely art form. All skill levels welcome. $240 ($220 members) + $15 supply fee.
Printing on the Iron Hand Press
with Bill Myers
Saturday and Sunday, April 18 and 19; 10 am – 5 pm
One of the most versatile printing presses for artists is the classic iron hand press. We will explore the many kinds of printing we can do on the two historic examples at MCBA, from fine press printing to designs with wood type and even monoprints. We will practice printing in multiple colors with one impression as well as a technique for producing different densities of tone on different areas of a block. You will design and print your own edition from wood or metal type. All skill levels welcome. $220 ($200 members) + $65 supply fee.
Opening artist reception: Thursday, April 16, 5 – 8 pm
Gallery One OST, 800 Washington Avenue North, Suite 514
Steve Berger is a storyteller who captures memories and visually conveys them. Berger is heralded for creating paintings of fine poetic sensibility and for his virtuoso draftsmanship. Berger believes that to have an impact, art should evoke a memory, an emotion – something to be lived over and over every time that you view the work. Berger’s paintings are very detailed; this is particularly evident in his minute blades of grass with nuances of light and shadow made possible by painstakingly layering acrylic paint. Berger’s stories are about every day common things – a walk, a place, a workplace, a gift, a meal – all little things but pieces that connect everyone’s personal life mosaic to each other. His stories connected to other stories waiting to be shared and painted. This is why Berger often paints in a series which unfold to tell an even bigger story. Berger’s love of history also shows in many of his works, whether it’s a particular building, person, event or place in time.
Sample of Activities and Classes at The Loft
1011 Washington Avenue South
For information about The Loft’s wide variety of classes and other activities: http://www.loft.org.
Mentor Series Reading: Ru Freeman
Friday, April 17, 7 pm
The 2014–15 Loft Mentor Series in Poetry and Creative Prose presents fiction mentor Ru Freeman reading along with program participants Kate Lucas (poetry) and S.A. Wolter (fiction). Ru Freeman was born into a family of writers and many boys in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Her creative work has appeared or is forthcoming in VQR, Guernica, World Literature Today and elsewhere. She is a contributing editorial board member of the Asian American Literary Review and a fellow of the Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference, Yaddo, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She is the author of the novel A Disobedient Girl (Atria/Simon & Schuster, 2009), which was long-listed for the DCS Prize for South Asian Literature and translated into several languages. Her new novel, On Sal Mal Lane, was published by Graywolf Press in 2013. She calls both Sri Lanka and America home and writes about the people and countries underneath her skin. Kate Lucas works as a writer and educator in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her poems and essay writing have appeared in sleet magazine; rock, paper, scissors; Studio One; and the anthology From the Pews in the Back, and she received an Honorable Mention in the 2013 Loft Mentor Series for Poetry. She received her MFA from Hamline University and served as assistant poetry editor for Water~Stone Review in 2014. S. A. Wolter spent her childhood on a cattle ranch and farm in northwestern North Dakota. Following career opportunities and paychecks, she has lived most of her adult life in the metropolitan areas of Phoenix, Arizona, and Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota. She was a 2013 recipient of a Minnesota Artist Initiative Grant in prose. Her writing credits include the Jonis Agee Award for Fiction in Dust & Fire: Writing and Art by Women and publication in Open to Interpretation: Intimate Landscape, a juried book competition of photographs, poetry and prose. She currently resides in Eden Prairie with her husband, two teenage children and her writing companion, a small dog named Macy.
Next Generation Parks Lecture: University of Minnesota 3.x: Where is Nature Now? Symposium
Friday, April 17, 7 pm (reception at 6 pm)
Northrop, 84 Church Street SE, Best Buy Theater
Through the Minneapolis Parks Foundation’s Next Generation of Parks™ Lecture Series, global design innovators and local thought-leaders showcase the most exciting new parks destinations and delve into important issues affecting our vibrant city and region. The 2015 series features impressive talent and dynamic speakers from across the county and around the world – including our own backyard. This opening event in the series will feature Kate Orff, Founder and Principal, SCAPE Landscape Design, and 2014 Buckminster Fuller Institute Challenge winner. This is free public event, but seating is limited. For more information and to register: http://mplsparksfoundation.org/projects/lecture-series/.
Æbleskive Breakfast
Sunday, April 19, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Danish American Center, 3030 West River Parkway South
You’re invited to join the Danish American Center for their æbleskive breakfast in the remodeled dining room. Cost for the “all you can eat” breakfast is $8.50 per adult and $5.00 for children ages 5-12; younger children are free. Breakfast includes æbleskiver (i.e. Danish pancake balls), scrambled eggs, sausage, juice and coffee.
*****Planning Ahead*****
Live Action Set presents:
The Half Life
May 1 – May 31
Southern Theater, 1420 Washington Avenue South
Every Live Action Set production is an exploration in curiosity and artistic rigor. The Half Life is no exception. Inspired by the modern individual's desire to be connected to everyone at all times, the performance focuses on those of us who live in-between, in a place where hearts and minds wrestle with opposing gravitational forces and when time and memory feels like a disappearing act, vanishing one half of one half of one half at a time. Visual and visceral, highly trained dancers bring the often meditative, sometimes unsettling and always revealing moments to light. Ranging from nuanced to extreme, the intense specific physicality blends with clear intentionality to create an evocative and touchingly personal journey. For information and tickets: https://southern.ticketworks.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=14.
Black Label Movement presents:
The Illumination
May 7 -- 9
Southern Theater, 1420 Washington Avenue South
NYC-based Director/Choreographer Scott Rink's new 60-minute work The Illumination is a dance/theatre/music adaptation from the written works of the French poets Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud. Through their own writing (poems, letters and court transcripts), The Illumination tells the tortured tale of their ultimately destructive relationship during the late-19th century. This impressionistic hybrid work is set to the music of Claude Debussy and Benjamin Britten, performed live by soprano Patricia Kent and pianist Joe Strachan. Recommended for mature audiences only due to adult themes and language. For information and tickets: https://southern.ticketworks.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=13.
Theatre Forever presents:
Good Job Horses
May 15 – 29
Southern Theater, 1420 Washington Avenue South
directed by Jon Ferguson
A new play celebrating the beauty and power of lady. Part adventure comedy, part absurdist heartbreak. With horses and hot lava, romance, rebuttal and revenge. Created by the ensemble in collaboration with writer Kate Tarker, and featuring performers Charlotte Calvert, Ryan Patrick, Kate Tarker and Carly Wicks. Original sound and music by Dan Dukich, Assistant direction by Lauren Rae Anderson. Recommended for mature audiences only (14+) due to adult content and language. For information and tickets: https://southern.ticketworks.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=15.
*****Input, Participation and Stewardship Opportunities*****
Survey on West River Parkway Repairs
You’re invited to take a survey regarding the design of the permanent repairs of the slope failure/mudslide along West River Parkway that occurred on June 19, 2014. The survey can be found at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XW38ZS9. The project will be bid in mid-April and repairs are scheduled to begin in mid-June. Construction is expected to take 3 - 4 months. West River Parkway will re-open when repairs are complete.
A-Mill Artist Lofts Hydroelectric Project FERC License Application
Minneapolis Leased Housing Associates IV, Limited Partnership is seeking a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) minor license to construct and operate the A-Mill Artist Lofts Hydroelectric Project, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the east bank of the Mississippi River at the Upper St. Anthony Falls. The proposed project would operate in a run-of-river fashion, utilizing existing water rights and infrastructure to generate approximately 600 kW of electricity for use by residents of a related apartment redevelopment. On March 23, 2015, Minneapolis Leased Housing Associates IV, Limited Partnership filed a Final License Application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding the A-Mill Artist Lofts Hydroelectric Project under Project Number 14628. As presented in the Final License Application, Minneapolis Leased Housing Associates IV, Limited Partnership has diligently consulted with both Federal and State agencies and has completed a fish entrainment and mortality study, a mussel survey, a study of hydraulic modeling of the downstream channel, a tunnel conditions report, an infrastructure removal and restoration plan, an environmental assessment and a sediment testing plan in relation to agency and public requests. Complete copies of the Final License Application and related studies are available at the Minneapolis Central Library located at 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, Minnesota; at the offices of Minneapolis Leased Housing Associates IV, Limited Partnership at 2905 Northwest Boulevard Suite 150, Plymouth, Minnesota during regular business hours; and on FERC’s website under docket number P-14628. Additionally, the Final License Application is available within the document center of amillartistloftshydroproject.com by using the password “hydro.” If the application is found acceptable for filing, the Commission will publish subsequent notices. Questions or comments regarding the Final License Application for the A-Mill Artist Lofts Hydroelectric Project may be directed to Owen Metz (ometz@dominiuminc.com or 763-354-5618) or Neal Route (nroute@dominiuminc.com or 763-354-5640). Interested parties may submit comments to the Secretary of the Commission in accordance with filing procedures posted on the FERC’s Web site at http://www.ferc.gov/. Comments must reference Project Number 14628.
*****Reminder of Ongoing Activities*****
Horse and Carriage Tours
Enjoy a tour of the riverfront via a horse-drawn carriage ride. Regular tours are available from both the Nicollet Island Inn and VIC’s Restaurant on Main Street. For information: http://www.thehitchingcompany.com.
Acme Comedy Club
Tuesdays through Thursday, 8 pm; Fridays and Saturdays, 8 and 10:30 pm
708 North First Street
Enjoy stand-up comedy at one of the top five comedy clubs in the country. For more information: http://www.acmecomedycompany.com.
Murder Mystery Dinner
Old Spaghetti Factory, 233 Park Avenue
The Murder Mystery Company offers a murder mystery performance to accompany your dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory.
Snag your seat with The Murder Mystery Company by clicking or calling (888)643-2583 (CLUE) today. For information and tickets: http://www.grimprov.com/Murder-Mystery-Dinner-Minnesota/.
Classes Available at the Lundstrum Center
Lundstrum Center for the Performing Arts, 1617 North Second Street
Dream of performing on Broadway? Preparing for your college audition? Looking to get back into class? Let the Broadway veteran faculty at the Lundstrum Center help develop your gifts. Fall session registration is now open. Children and adults, all levels welcome. Programs include:
- Children: After school programs; age 3 and up
- Preteen/Young Adults: Broadway Musical Theatre -- Serious training in dance, voice and theater
- Adults: Ballet, tap, jazz, Pilates, voice
- Special Needs Children: “Dance Mania”-ages 6 to 12
The center offers state of the art, spacious, sun lit studios, with free parking and #14 Metro Transit bus-accessible. Class cards available! For a class schedule please check out the center’s website http://www.lundstrumcenter.org or call 612-521-2600 to be put on their mailing list.
Keegan’s Pub Entertainment
Keegan’s Irish Pub, 16 University Avenue NE
Keegan’s Pub offers a full schedule of live music, Irish lessons, pub quizzes and other activities each month. For more information and a full event calendar, visit http://www.keeganspub.com.
Classes at Surdyk’s
Mondays and Tuesdays
Surdyk’s Liquor and Cheese Shop, 303 East Hennepin Avenue
Surdyk’s offers an extensive and fun choice of classes to help you learn about wine, beer and cheese (both in general and specific types). Check out their calendar at http://surdyks.com/calendar/.
National Park Service “Ranger on Call” Virtual Tour of the Mississippi River
Visitors and residents of the Twin Cities can now have a national park experience 24 hours a day with Ranger on Call, a new virtual tour of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. Ranger on Call is an audio guide to exploring some of the park’s most special places. The guide features a series of 20 stops designed to expand users’ knowledge of the Mississippi River and provoke exploration. Users can listen to stories from all along the 72-mile corridor of the national park, and download podcasts and maps online at http://www.rangeroncall.com. Or, for an all-encompassing park experience, users can visit the featured sites along the river in person and dial 1-877-727-1172 (toll free) for the cell phone tour. Ranger on Call features narration by Don Shelby, who brings to life the stories from diverse communities along the river. Tour stops feature the Minneapolis Riverfront, Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary and Lock and Dam #2 in Hastings. Ranger on Call was created by the National Park Service and the Mississippi River Fund. http://www.nps.gov/miss.
Nice Ride Minnesota Bike Rentals
Bikes are now available for rental at the various Nice Ride Minnesota kiosks (which includes numerous locations along the riverfront). It’s a great way to explore the River! For information: http://www.niceridemn.org.
*****Informational Resources*****
Minneapolis Historical Mobile Tour Smartphone App Now Available
The Minneapolis Historical Mobile Tour app is now available--for free!--for iPhones and Androids. There are two tours so far: The Old Highland tour (created in partnership with the Old Highland Neighborhood Association) and the Marcy-Holmes tour (created with the Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association). The app offers users an on-the-go look into Minneapolis's past, from the well-known headlines to the forgotten tales and people. Learn more and download it now at www.minneapolishistorical.org. The Marcy-Holmes tour tells stories of the Marcy-Holmes neighborhood—what was once the town of Saint Anthony Falls—from 1849 through the early twentieth century, using images, text and recorded commentary from 27 neighbors and friends. Created using material drawn from Penny Petersen’s book, Hiding in Plain Sight: Minneapolis’ First Neighborhood, the tour focuses on 24 historical sights depicted in the bronze sculptures on the Sixth Avenue Stroll, an outdoor gallery created by artist Aldo Moroni in 2004 that extends from University Ave SE to Main Street. Each stop on the tour consists of a present day image of the site, the corresponding bronze sculpture, an historic image (when available), brief text and two audio recordings by an individual somehow related to the site.
Park Board Event Calendar
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB)’s website features a multi-month event calendar. The current event calendar is now available at http://www.minneapolisparks.org/documents/events.pdf and is a quick guide to MPRB-sponsored and co-sponsored events as well as outside organizers’ permitted events in the parks. Check it out, mark your calendars and enjoy the many events occurring in Minneapolis parks!
Mill City Times
This web site covers “life, work and play in the Historic Mill District” and offers videos of many important presentations and meetings related to riverfront topics. It also includes an event listing that is more expansive than the Mill District and that would be a useful resource for you in between issues of the RiverCurrent (or if, as sometimes happens, you accidentally deleted it).
Mississippi River Trail
The Mississippi River Trail follows the course of the mighty Mississippi from its headwaters to the Gulf. A new MRT resource website has been launched for the Minnesota segment of the trail http://www.dot.state.mn.us/bike/mrt.html complete with interactive Google Earth based maps, and a complete series of maps printable at 8 1/2” by 11.”
1 Mississippi Campaign
This site includes information on the entire Mississippi River and how you can help protect and enhance it.
*****Informational Updates*****
Prescribed Burns at North Mississippi Regional Park
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) wants to alert park and trail users of prescribed burns of the prairie areas of North Mississippi Regional Park from mid-March to May 2015. The prescribed burns will be conducted by Prairie Restorations, Inc. (PRI), a contractor for the MPRB. Park users may see smoke and flames during a prescribed burn. The contractor will have MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR) trained staff on site along with the necessary fire control equipment. The contractor has obtained all necessary permits required for a prescribed burn. City of Minneapolis Police, Fire and 911 as well as State Highway Patrol, MPRB police and customer service are notified prior to and upon completion of the burn. Prescribed burns are one of the management tools used to maintain native plantings. When fire is suppressed, invasive shrubs and trees can invade these natural areas, out-competing the desirable native wildflowers and grasses. Specific weather and environmental conditions must be met to implement a prescribed burn including: the optimal prevailing wind direction, humidity levels and cloud cover conditions. Additionally, no MN Pollution Control Agency (PCA) issued air quality alerts or MN DNR burning restrictions may be in effect at the time of the burn. Information on the MPRB’s natural areas and management can be found on the web at https://www.minneapolisparks.org/park_care__improvements/natural_areas/prescribed_burns/.
*****Riverfront News Articles*****
Whiskey on Ice
Spoon and Stable James Beard Nomination
The Food Building
Nye’s Site Redevelopment
Barging Season Opens
West River Parkway Repair Input Sought
Update on CenterPoint Project
30 Days of Biking
Red Stag Supperclub
Star Tribune Building
Washburn Crosby Preservation Plan
Riverfront Business Hollywood Fashion Secrets
Food Market Concept
Superior Plating Development Proposal
Road Closures
Riverfront Business Mill City Fineries
Al Milgrom and MSP International Film Festival
Movie on I-35W Bridge Collapse
Symphony Hydro
Chicago and Washington/Thresher Square Redevelopment
30 Days of Biking Kick-Off Event
River Hub
Graco and Scherer Brothers
Superior Plating Site Redevelopment
Environmental Initiative Awards
Betty Danger’s Country Club
Andy Sturdevant Walks the North Side Above the Falls
Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Mill District Development Projects Flyby
Reader Comments