Minneapolis Parks Winter-Spring Activities Guide Available Now
Via a November 16 e-newsletter from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:
Minneapolis Parks Winter-Spring Activities Guide Available Now
If you’re looking for ideas for wintertime fun in Minneapolis, check out the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s (MPRB) Winter-Spring Guide.
Now available online and in print in the coming week, the 24-page, full-color guide highlights the park system’s winter amenities and activities. Once winter weather conditions allow, the park system’s winter recreation facilities become available, including ice rinks, ski trails and snowboarding and tubing areas. The guide lists hours for ice rink warming houses, ski chalets, snowboarding and tubing, including extended hours during Minneapolis school release days.
The Winter-Spring Guide also includes details about recreation center programs and classes for youth and adults and special winter and spring events in the parks.
The guide will be available at MPRB recreation centers, Hennepin County Libraries in Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Convention Center in the next week. For more information on the park system or to request a copy of the guide, visit www.minneapolisparks.org, call 612-230-6400 or sign up to receive email updates about your favorite winter activities.
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