Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Launches "Our Parks, Our Stories" Initiative to Commemorate 140th year

New storytelling initiative will build community archive full of park stories over the next year
April 4th marked the 140th anniversary of the Minneapolis Park Board. To commemorate, they launched a new storytelling initiative and year-long project called 140 Years: Our Parks, Our Stories.
They are collecting personal stories of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) staff, park users, and community members from across Minneapolis parks to build a community archive. Everyone is encouraged to share their story of a memory, person, place, event, or experience to help us shape the next chapter and legacy of the MPRB.
Share Your Story
- Submit your story using an online form
- Email a story and related photographs to ourstories@minneapolisparks.org. You can also email that account to ask for additional translation services.
- Participate in upcoming storytelling programs this summer. More information coming soon on those events.
Submitted stories will be archived and may be featured on MPRB social media with your consent.
Featured Stories
The MPRB will periodically publish stories from its own staff and archives in addition to stories collected from community. The first two stories feature Reggie Jarrett, a MPRB parkkeeper for the last 30 years who has special connection to Farview Park; and Alice Dietz, an early recreation professional who oversaw a vast expansion in recreation opportunities in Minneapolis parks during her 40-year career spanning 1916-1957.