Mill City Emanuel Singers at Target Field

On Thursday, August 11th the Mill City Emanuel Singers sang 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame' at the Twins-Astros game. The singers are sponsored by the charity Friends of the Mill District. 33 members of the choir were able to attend. It was a gorgeous day, filled with laughter, hugs, and the joy of singing together under the direction of JD Steele. We had a great time!
The Singers are open to everyone. We rehearse on Saturday afternoons, from 2-3:30 p.m. and our schedule for the next 12 months is as follows; September 10-October 15, November 12-December 17, and April 8-May 27. Rehearsals are usually held in either the Guthrie Theater or at the American Academy of Neurology. There is no cost to sing in this choir, and the only talent that is needed is the talent of loving to sing!
My challenge is to come for a rehearsal. If you aren't 'hooked' after one rehearsal, I will be surprised! If interested in at least 1 rehearsal, please contact Claudia Kittock at