Join Mill City Commons members and friends for the third annual Turkey, Dressings, and Extra Helpings drive. The needs of our metro community are greater than ever, and here is a wonderful opportunity to do good this winter and holiday season!
Three Ways to Help:
TURKEY: Tax-deductible financial donations ($10-15, or more if you wish) to provide holiday dinner for 50 families in the Minneapolis Jordan Neighborhood. Any additional funds will be used to stock the Jordan New Life Community Church food shelf. Financial donations accepted December 1-15.
Mail checks payable to Mill City Commons to: 117 Portland Avenue #213, Minneapolis, MN 55401.
6 - 8 Volunteers are needed Wednesday, December 22 to help pick up and deliver groceries to Jordan New Life Community Church. Volunteers will meet in the North Star Lofts parking lot at 10 am. Call Mill City Commons to volunteer!
DRESSINGS: Donate cold weather clothing (hats, scarves, mittens) - especially for kids, but for teens and adults too - to benefit People Serving People. Clothing donations accepted December 10-19.
Drop gift and clothing items off at: North Star Lofts, 117 Portland Avenue.
Volunteers needed Monday, December 20 to sort and deliver the clothing items to People Serving People. Volunteers will meet at 10:00am at North Star Lofts. Call Mill City Commons to volunteer!
EXTRA HELPINGS: Donate small unwrapped gift items like books, jewelry, and cologne/aftershave, for individuals and families at Exodus Residence and Mary’s Place. These are the only gifts some residents receive. Gift donations accepted December 10-19.
Drop gift and clothing items off at: North Star Lofts, 117 Portland Avenue.
Questions? Call Mill City Commons at 612-455-3329 or email
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