Message From Council Member Rainville: Update on 2nd St. Traffic Calming Barriers

With the removal of the traffic calming barriers, I am asking for your help and advice as we continue to keep the Mill District safe.
1-If the illegal behavior returns, please call 911. You do not have to endure the poor conduct of a few. The police will respond to 911 calls and the documentation of the calls will help the police in understanding the patterns of the livability issues you are facing.
2- Please email my office with suggestions on the future design of 2nd Street South. I will pass them onto Public Works as they prepare for a public meeting on the new design of 2nd Street South. The street will be updated in 2023. I know several residents of Riverwest Condos have suggested a one way for 1st street South….please pass on all ideas for both street improvements to . The public meeting will be in November and as soon as I confirm the date with Public Works, I will publish it.
3- You are invited help welcome the new Commissioner of Public Safety, Dr. Cedric Alexander on Thursday 10/13 6:00pm at the Depot Hotel. Dr, Alexander will give a brief update on his new dept that oversees Fire, Police, 911, the Office of Emergency Management and the Office of Neighborhood Safety. His update will be followed by Q&A session for you.
4-On Monday representatives from the Guthrie and Gold Medal Park met with 1st Pct Inspector Billy Peterson and myself to listen to the Inspectors ideas on improved safety for tier areas. We discussed at length his ideas on lighting and cameras. The Inspector offered common sense solutions for increased public safety and the Guthrie, Gold Medal Park and my office will be following up to implement those suggestions.
Thank you, 3rd Ward Council Member Michael Rainville.