March 5 Ward 7 Updates from Council Member Lisa Goodman

Good afternoon Ward 7 residents and friends. The trial of Derek Chauvin will begin on Monday and I know that this topic and the uncertainty of the outcome is weighing heavily on our community. The death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police officers was a tragic event that occurred in our city, and the manner of his death and the unrest that followed ignited trauma as well as an important discussion on race and the police throughout the entire City of Minneapolis and our nation.
At this time, city leadership is tasked with striking a critical and important balance of protecting everyone’s constitutional right to free speech and right to assemble with our equally important responsibility of protecting our people and infrastructure from violence and potential destruction.
Our police chief and other public safety departments and staff have been working with local, state and federal entities for the past eight months to create what is being called Operation Safety Net. This operation has focused on safety, security, and community outreach. Our mutual aid partners have all received special training in preparation with a focus on de-escalation.
Multiple city departments have been involved in the planning and trail preparation including the Office of Violence Prevention, neighborhood and community relations, and our communications team. These groups were involved in the planning to ensure that information is disseminated when needed and those who have assembled peacefully to protest are safe and have the full ability to express their right to free speech. Our partners in neighborhoods, the clergy, nonprofits and others have been focused on keeping our community safe and connected.
I want you all to know that I remain optimistic that we are prepared to face whatever lies ahead. We are well positioned for more peaceful outcomes as we go through this trial that will be viewed across the nation and throughout the world. Many ask what they should be doing as this trial unfolds and my advice is to stay informed and aware but to also go on with your daily life and activities. We need to maintain a sense of normalcy as this monumental period unfolds. Jury selection begins on Monday, this process will take time and the actual trial isn’t scheduled to start until March 29. The peak time will come once we enter the closing arguments which will happen mid to late April.
In closing, please know that I will continue to pass along information and resources as I receive them. My hope is to help keep you tuned into what is happening and I’m always here to answer questions you might have on this topic or any other city related item.
City Leaders Provide Briefing on Preparations for Derek Chauvin Trial
Mayor Jacob Frey and other City leaders held another briefing March 4 to share updates on preparations for the upcoming trial of former MPD officer Derek Chauvin. Jury selection for the Chauvin trial is scheduled to begin Monday, March 8.
Briefing highlights
- The Minneapolis Police Department, along with its Operation Safety Net Partners, are committed to honoring First Amendment rights as demonstrations are scheduled to begin this weekend. MPD has held de-escalation training in preparation for the upcoming trials.
- The City’s Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) plans to fund a network of community-based groups that can be activated during periods of heightened tension during the remainder of 2021, including during the trials of the former officers involved in the killing of George Floyd.
- How to contact the City:
- Call 311 for non-emergency City information.
- Call 911 for life safety emergencies requiring police, fire or emergency medical services.
- Call the MPD Tips Line at 612-692-TIPS (8477) to report suspicious activity not requiring an immediate response.
- Businesses and property owners can call 612-673-2499 with questions about advanced preparation before the trial, business operations during the trial and general information about regulations and resources.
- Sixth Street South (the street and both sidewalks) is closed between Third and Fourth avenues next to the Hennepin County Government Center. Currently, other streets will remain open. The City will provide updates when other closures are anticipated.
- The City of Minneapolis is committed to working with the community to reconnect 38th and Chicago after the conclusion of the Chauvin trial. The City has sent out surveys to residents and businesses near the intersection to determine a preferred option to preserve the memorial and art while ensuring delivery of critical services in the area. Learn more.
- Follow the City of Minneapolis on Facebook and Twitter and sign up for the City Update newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest news and information. Stay tuned to news from Operation Safety Net on Facebook and Twitter.
The City plans to hold regular briefings throughout the trial.
Minneapolis Downtown Council Provides Additional Resources Surrounding the Chauvin Trial
We encourage you and your organization to follow the official Operation Safety Net social media channels for additional timely and accurate information. Here are the handles to follow:
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Sign Up for Updates from the Minnesota Judicial Branch on the State of MN vs. Chauvin Case
Everyone is invited to sign up for updates on the State of MN vs. Chauvin case from the Minnesota Judicial Branch webpage.
The webpage includes all public documents filed in the case and other information. This case was filed in Hennepin County District Court May 29, 2020.
Hennepin Ave South Reconstruction Project Seeks Your Input
This past week, planning staff held online open houses to share the draft concept designs for the reconstruction of Hennepin Avenue South between Douglas Avenue and West Lake Street.
Those plans are now available to view on the project web page. This site also offers you the opportunity to share your thoughts on the Option 1 and Option 2 design layouts. Comments and input will be accepted through Friday, April 16, 2021.
The City plans to reconstruct this section of Hennepin Avenue starting in 2024. The reconstruction project provides an opportunity to redesign Hennepin Avenue to meet the needs of current and future users of the street.
Project goals include improving the sidewalk and intersections for all users, evaluating bicycle network connectivity, providing space for enhanced transit stops for future METRO E Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service, replacing aging infrastructure and maintaining and enhancing traffic flow for transit and motor vehicles.
Minneapolis Property Owners Can Buy a $25 Tree this Spring
Minneapolis property owners will soon be able to order a 5- to 8-foot tree for $25 each to plant on their private property. This year, Minneapolis property owners in Green Zones, rental property owners and property owners who haven’t gotten a tree in the City Trees program in the last two years will get a chance to order a tree earlier.
The 2,000 trees in 24 varieties this year include large and medium shade trees, fruit trees, evergreens and smaller flowering trees. Comparable trees cost about $125 at a nursery.
Tiered purchasing windows
- Green Zones property owners can order up to three trees starting at 8 a.m. Monday, March 8. Just fill out a separate order for each tree.
- Rental property owners citywide can order one tree per property, maximum of 10 properties, starting at 8 a.m. Monday, March 8. Just fill out a separate order for each tree.
- Minneapolis property owners who haven’t received a tree from the Minneapolis tree sale in the last two years, who aren’t in a Green Zone, can order one tree per address starting at 8 a.m. Monday, March 15.
- All Minneapolis property owners can order one tree per address starting at 8 a.m. Monday, March 22.
Purchasing will close April 16 or when the trees run out, whichever is first.
- Low-cost trees are available first-come, first-served.
- People will need to pick up their tree May 15, 16 or 17 (subject to change). Location is to be determined and will be emailed to people who bought a tree. Volunteers onsite will help load each new tree and a complimentary bag of mulch into vehicles on request.
People can find more information and order their tree through Tree Trust.
More about City Trees
In the past 16 years, the City Trees program has provided approximately 20,000 trees for planting on private property. Since 2006, the City of Minneapolis has funded the City Trees program, a low-cost way for folks to help the city’s tree canopy grow and enjoy all the benefits of trees.
Trees help filter pollutants out of the air and reduce the heat island effect in a city. They save energy by providing shade in the summer and protecting against wind in the winter. Trees reduce the amount of stormwater runoff into lakes and rivers. They even help reduce stress. Larger trees provide more benefits than smaller trees.
Interested in Rooftop Solar for Your Home?
If you’re considering the benefits of going solar, make sure to look into these options. The City of Minneapolis has a 10% local solar goal as part of its climate action plan to reduce greenhouse gases, and we are at 6%.
Twin Cities Region Solar Co-op
Twin Cities Region Solar Co-op launched to help Minneapolis homeowners get rooftop solar. The solar co-op is neighbors joining together to get the best price and service from a solar installer, tap into the expertise at Solar United Neighbors and learn about solar incentives. The City of Minneapolis is partnering in this effort.
Membership is open through May 1. Learn more at
Xcel Energy’s Solar*Rewards
With Xcel Energy’s Solar*Rewards program, if you produce more energy than you need, the extra energy is added to the grid, and any excess energy will be credited to your bill.
Learn more on the Xcel Energy website.
$15 Online Workshops: Creating Resilient Yards
Ready to spend more time in your yard? Do you want to improve it but don’t know where to start? Learn with experts to plan and create beautiful, functional spaces that also protect the local ecosystem whether you want a raingarden and native prairie, or a low-maintenance lawn that also helps pollinators.
This spring, webinars feature experts in landscape design, pollinator habitat, soil health, native plants and yard maintenance. Presentations are followed by a Q&A, or discussions in small groups or one on one with a Blue Thumb landscape designer and UMN Extension Master Gardener volunteer – Hennepin County.
Scholarships are available on request. Space is limited. For more information and to register, go to or call 651-699-2426.
COVID-19 Situation Update as of March 3, 2021
Situational updates: Minneapolis
- As of March 3, there are 32,950 cases in Minneapolis and 389 deaths. The total number of cases and hospitalizations increased by less than 1% over the previous week. ICU admissions increased by slightly more than 1% over last week. Minneapolis-specific data are available at
- Over the past week, there have been about 44 new cases per day on average. This rate has decreased significantly and is now on par with September 2020 levels.
- The seven-day rolling average case rate for Minneapolis is just over 10 cases per 100,000. This rate has now plateaued after decreasing for several weeks.
- Mayor Frey’s Emergency Regulation 2020-17, which banned seating at bar counters in Minneapolis businesses, was lifted on February 18. Current rules for Minneapolis businesses are available on the City’s Guidance for Restaurants, Bars and Breweries and Distilleries web page.
- Mayor Frey’s Emergency Regulation No. 12 regarding masks remains in effect. The regulation requires people to wear face masks in all indoor public places.
Situational updates: Minnesota
- As of March 3, there are 486,434 cases in Minnesota out of over 7.3 million tests completed. There have been 6,507 deaths from COVID-19 in Minnesota. There are 100,913 cases and 1,586 deaths in Hennepin County.
- The State uses a color-coded map to track a seven-day rolling average of new cases. As of February 22, Minnesota is reporting 13.7 cases per 100,000.
- The State continues to work with the CDC to conduct surveillance of newly identified strains of COVID-19 in Minnesota. To date, 78 cases of the B.1.1.7 variant (first found in the U.K.) and two cases of the P.1 variant (which first emerged in Brazil) have been detected in Minnesota.
- The statewide mask mandate remains in effect. People are required to wear masks in all indoor public places and some outdoor venues where physical distancing is difficult.
- Governor Walz’s Executive Order 21-01, and subsequent modifications in Executive Order 21-07, regulating COVID operations at bars, restaurants, gyms, and other businesses, remain in effect.
Health Department Incident Command updates
- The Health Department is offering more than a dozen testing and vaccination clinics every week. We are seeking volunteers (City employees only) to help at these community events. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this brief survey. Staff who volunteer will receive training and personal protective equipment, including COVID vaccination for those volunteering at multiple events.
Case investigation/Contact tracing
- We continue to conduct contact tracing and case investigation activities. Of the cases in Minneapolis, 65% have been interviewed and 2.4% have refused. Thirty-two percent of cases have been lost to follow-up and less than 1% of new Minneapolis cases still need to be interviewed. We are conducting about 20% of interviews in languages other than English.
- Approximately 8% of interviewed cases have completed their interview online. Fourteen percent of those interviews required additional follow-up by a Minneapolis staff to ensure appropriate contact tracing was completed.
- We have 41 active case investigators, including two non-MHD enterprise staff and 17 AmeriCorps staff. Case investigators are interviewing an average of 30 cases per shift and making an average of 80 calls per shift, plus conducting workplace and other contact follow-up.
- We continue to conduct case investigations and contact tracing for Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) and are providing advice to school leaders as cases and exposures occur among staff and students. We also assist other schools in Minneapolis with contact tracing and questions as needed.
COVID-19 vaccination planning and distribution
- We are partnering with Hennepin Healthcare to provide vaccinations in Minneapolis. To date, we have given out over 6,000 doses through 73 vaccine events. Last week we hosted 14 clinics and provided 1,300 vaccinations to educators, school staff, assisted living residents, and Metro Transit drivers who are often at high risk.
- This week, we are hosting 13 clinics to provide 2,000 vaccinations to some of the same groups listed above, along with childcare workers, second doses for Blue and White Taxi drivers, and MPD. This week we will partner with the University of Minnesota to hold our first mass vaccination event at TCF Stadium for childcare workers and older adults working at the University.
- We are partnering with the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) to offer vaccinations for public housing residents living in 39 MPHA high rise buildings. Buildings with large concentrations of senior residents will be prioritized. First doses will be administered starting March 8 at Horn Towers. Interpretation services will be provided, and the Minneapolis Fire Department will provide on-site post-vaccine observation support.
COVID-19 vaccination education
- We invite you to use the new Minneapolis COVID Vaccine webpage. This site provides the public with information about vaccine safety, a timeline for local vaccine distribution, and answers to frequently asked questions. Visitors can use the Google Translate function located on the left side of the page to view the information in multiple languages. It is also linked to information from the CDC, and the State’s new Vaccine Connector tool. Please help us promote this resource widely.
- The State’s COVID-19 Vaccine Connector helps Minnesotans find out when, where, and how to get their COVID-19 vaccine. Minnesotans unable to sign up online can call 833-431-2053 for assistance signing up over the phone. Interpretation is available by phone in all languages.
- We are providing virtual presentations to community organizations, City boards and commissions, neighborhood organizations, and other groups interested in learning more aboutCOVID-19vaccination, testing, and virus mitigation. For example, over 16 presentations have been completed, scheduled, or requested by MPHA high rise resident councils. To request a presentation, fill out a request form on the new Vaccine webpage (forms are available in English, Spanish, Somali, and Hmong).
- We are hosting vaccine briefings for Enterprise Leaders every other Monday from 2:00–3:00 p.m. The next briefing is scheduled for Monday, March 8. Past recordings can be found on the COVID Vaccination Channel.
- We continue to offer regular community testing events, which are free and open to everyone. In the past week, we provided 96 COVID-19 saliva tests at two community events.
- In addition, our School Based Clinic staff have tested 28 athletes and coaches at Washburn and Henry High Schools. Roosevelt will begin to offer testing this week.
- To date, we have provided MPS with 1,850 Zoom saliva tests to distribute to families so that they can take the test at home.1,200 of these same tests have been provided for teachers.
- Six community testing events have been held at MPS Davis Center for all community members, including MPS students and families (emails went out to all district parents advertising these events). Additional events are scheduled for March—see below for dates and times.
- Local and state testing rates have decreased significantly. Despite the vaccine roll-out, it is still important to get tested to help stop the spread of the virus. In particular, we encourage young people and their families to get tested every two weeks from now until the end of the schoolyear.
- Please help us promote the following Minneapolis Health Department free saliva testing events:
- Columbia Manor, 3300 Central Ave. N.E., March 4, 11, 18, and 25(4p.m. to 7 p.m.). No pre-registration required.
- Minneapolis Public Schools Davis Center, 1250 West Broadway, March 13 and 20 (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.). No pre-registration required. Conducted with Power of People Leadership Institute.
- The State also offers free testing at the following locations:
- Minneapolis Convention Center-10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends. Visit the State’s COVID-19 testing web page to register.
- Brooklyn Park Starlight Center –11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends. Visit the State’s COVID-19 testing web page to register.
- Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport -7 a.m. to 7p.m. seven days a week. Visit the State’sCOVID-19 testing web page to register.
- We are offering free saliva testing kits and on-site testing for schools, community partners, organizations, and businesses. To date, we have received 115 requests and provided more than 10,500 test kits.
- Any person in Minnesota can order a free at-home saliva test kit from the State’s COVID-19 Test at Home program. The test will be delivered to your home with rush shipping.
- The City's testing web page offers information on testing sites and guidance about what to do while you wait for COVID-19 test results. Staying away from others while you wait for your results is extremely important, especially if you have any symptoms.
- While the past year has been difficult for business owners, there are positive developments happening. Currently, there are 173 Food Plan Reviews in flight. These are either new businesses, remodels, or businesses ready to open under new ownership.
- This past week, health inspectors investigated two complaints related to restaurants/bars violating the City’s mask ordinance and staying open past 11pm.Weareworking with Business Licensing on appropriate enforcement actions to address these violations. Staff also followed up on COVID case clusters among employees and customers at three restaurants.
- Inspectors continue to distribute COVID testing kits to businesses upon request and promote free community testing events to employers and their staff.
Responding to community needs
- We have a good supply of personal protective equipment (cloth and surgical masks, hand sanitizer, and gloves) available for community groups, businesses, and individuals. Requests can be submitted using the COVID-19 Requests and Inquiries form on the City’s website.
- We are supplying NCR staff with 5,000 surgical masks to distribute to the community during the upcoming trial of Derek Chauvin. If you plan to participate in a public gathering or protest event, please wear a mask to help reduce the spread of the virus.
- We are responding to an average of 40 emails per day to our inbox. Questions are primarily about vaccine distribution and scheduling.
The City specific COVID email address is: