Law Enforcement Organizations to Launch 2020 Joint Beats Program in Downtown Mpls

Via a May 22 Press Release from mpls downtown council (mdc):
14th year of Joint Beats collaboration will run through Labor Day.
The mpls downtown council (mdc) and Mpls Downtown Improvement District (DID), in collaboration with the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), and Metro Transit Police Department, today announced that the 2020 Joint Beats partnership program in downtown mpls will launch on Memorial Day.
Now in its 14th year, the Joint Beats program showcases collaboration between MPD, HCSO and Metro Transit PD that increases law enforcement visibility on the streets and helps enhance collaboration with street outreach teams—all in an effort to keep downtown safe.
“Law enforcement cooperation between MPD, HCSO and Metro Transit PD is crucial to the comprehensive public safety strategy the downtown business community supports and relies on,” said Steve Cramer, president & ceo of the mpls downtown council and Downtown Improvement District. “Joint Beats is an important part of an effective proactive safety plan. We believe prevention, outreach and street activation all work in tandem to create a safe environment for our community. Public safety is a top priority, and our partnerships through Joint Beats help insure we are keeping our community safe.”
The 2020 Joint Beats will run through Labor Day. During that span, more beat officers are being placed in downtown’s core to enhance safety during the summer months.
The collective partnership between MPD, HCSO, and Metro Transit PD—along with continued work by the DID Safety Communications Center, DID Ambassadors, and local street outreach teams—work together to add to the safety of our downtown core.
“Working collectively as a downtown community is important, and we value the relationships we have with our local law enforcement partners, the business community and city officials,” said Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo. “These relationships, along with the continued efforts with street outreach teams in our community, provide a robust plan to not only prevent criminal activity but also build relationships and provide appropriate services to those who need them.”
The Mpls Police Department will continue its downtown presence in the 1st Precinct along with its Police Reserves program. The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office will have a substantial presence in downtown Minneapolis through Labor Day. Metro Transit Police will also add additional officers to the downtown beat.
“We have a dynamic downtown that is not only home to more than 50,000 residents and 216,000 daily workers, but it also welcomes millions of visitors each year. It is a vibrant destination in Hennepin County,” Hennepin County Sheriff David Hutchinson said. “Our team is excited to work together with our local partners and help those who live, work and play here have a fun and safe summer downtown.”
As a transit hub that intertwines LRT, bus routes and the North Star commuter rail, downtown is a key destination for Metro Transit riders throughout the year.
“Safety for our riders throughout their transit experience is our top priority,” Metro Transit Police Chief Eddie Frizell said. “Our team is committed to working in collaboration with our local law enforcement partners in helping make downtown a safe and welcoming place through enhanced presence and strong patrol and community connectedness.”
The continued efforts this summer communicates a serious and shared focused on downtown safety, which is the foundation of any successful community. The Joint Beats program works in tandem with City of Minneapolis leadership, the downtown business community, and street outreach organizations to help meet the needs of all who live, work and play downtown.