June 3 at the Mill City Farmers Market

New items in this weeks Mill City Farmers Market shopping basket: Golden beets and kohlrabi from GVY, peas from Clover Bee Farm, Buffalo Nuts (spicy peanuts) from Tare Market, beef from TanTum BlackHill Farm, pita bread from YummyTizers, Tokyo Bekana lettuce from Urban Roots, and maple sugar from Horner's Corner.
Meet 3 New Vendors!
James Raymond owns TunTum BlackHill Farm, a 40-acre enterprise in Webster. He debuted at the June 3rd market with beef, duck, herbs and focaccia. James raises heritage breeds, all of which enjoy pastures free of pesticides and artificial fertilizers. For our first visit we chose the ground beef, but I plan to read up on how to properly prepare duck!
Below, Terry Daugherty of Wild Edge Woodworking holds one of her gorgeous creations. Photos do not do justice to her masterpieces, as you can't see the 3 dimensional inlays of river stones, flowers and geodes used in the creation of so many of them. We arrived at her booth around 8:30a and she had already sold a few pieces. Her next Market is July 1.
The third new vendor at the June 3rd Market was Nick Earl Pottery, who had an impressive array of pieces that are as beautiful and unique as they are functional. Whether you want to serve tea, display a fresh bouquet of flowers or enjoy a big ol' dish of ice cream, Nick has a piece to fit the need.
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Matt Oxford of Wild Run Salmon is back!
Looking for new ideas on what to do with the bags of produce and other ingredients you brought home from the Market? Find lots of recipes on the MCFM's website.
Nice market tote with lots of compartments.
You never know what kind of creative artist you might spot as you enter the Market!
See more photos from the June 3rd Mill City Farmers Market here (once there, you can drill down further by clicking on "Back to albums list" and then "Photostream" to view more).