June 24 at the Mill City Farmers Market

New items in this weeks Mill City Farmers Market shopping basket: Juneberries from Prairie Hollow Farm, amaranth from Mhonpaj’s Garden, fennel from GVY Fresh Produce, spinach-based juice from Krishna’s Delight, raspberries from Green Earth Growers, Twilight Forest candle from PaChia Blooms, Turmeric Ginger Golden Milk Mix from Holistic Health Farms and Ginger Melon juice from Pure Ginger For You.
REMINDER: Vote for the Mill City Farmers Market in the USA Today 10 Best Farmers Market Readers Choice 2023. As of June 25, MCFM was in 4th place, but you can move them up to #1 by casting a vote everyday thru the end of this month. (Cool side note - the photo USA Today used for the MCFM was taken by Mill City Times!)
Thank you to the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Associaton (DMNA) for being a MCFM Sponsor.
You now have the option of purchasing a Krishna’s Delight drink in a bottle, which you can bring back and have refilled. I love this new option, because it's awkard for me to enjoy a drink in a cup while I'm pushing around a cart and taking photos. Now I can put a bottle of my favorite green juice in my cart to enjoy later at home.
First raspberries of the season!
Pam at Prairie Hollow Farm ceases to amaze me with the variety of items she offers. On this trip, I was introduced to Juneberries (the little orbs on the right that look like tiny blueberries) - incredibly sweet.