June 10 at the Mill City Farmers Market

New items in this weeks Mill City Farmers Market shopping basket: Nett Lake Wild Rice from Blue Hummingbird Woman, hazelnut flour from American Hazelnut Company, red popcorn and strawberries from Bean Market, garlic scapes and carrots from Prairie Hollow Farm.
REMINDER: Vote for the Mill City Farmers Market in the USA Today 10 Best Farmers Market Readers Choice 2023. As of June 11, MCFM was in 6th place, but you can move them up to #1 by casting a vote everyday thru the end of this month. (Cool side note - the photo USA Today used for the MCFM was taken by Mill City Times!)
Meet a New Vendor!
David Swenson of Swenwares Ceramics and Sound had a remarkable display of ceramics, both large and small, at the June 10th market. His work combines motifs from different cultures that have similarities in feeling or shape or theme.
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MCFM sponsor Minnesota Farmers Union treated shoppers to caprese cup samples prepared by Farmers Kitchen + Bar, featuring products from farmers at the market.
Also happening during the June 10th market was the Juneteenth Jubilee: Sweet Potato Pie Showcase inside the Mill City Museum, paying homage to what is considered “the sacred dessert of Black culture.” Each participant received a prize bag courtesy of Nordic Ware and the Mill City Museum gift shop.
Second Saturdays at the market are a great time to bring the kids for story time, produce sampling (kids receive $2 market tokens) and Babycake’s Book Stack.
8:30am and 10am 60-minute Market Yoga classes are free to the public and take place on the lawn across West River Parkway.
The Bean Market had the first strawberries of the season.
Ward 3 Council Member Michael Rainville with Martha Archer, MCFM Executive Director.
Ceramic artist Christy Wetzig created mugs with the MCFM logo, available for purchase at the info booth.
Handy way to take items home from the market - in an insulated backpack!
See more photos from the June 10th Mill City Farmers Market here (once there, you can drill down further by clicking on "Back to albums list" and then "Photostream" to view more).