January 21, 2021, Third Avenue Bridge and Water Works Park Progress Photos from Doug Verdier

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project. He has also been documenting the Third Avenue Bridge rehab project.
Exterior masonry on the Water Works pavilion wrapped up this past week. The scaffolding and plastic sheeting are gone, revealing the new brickwork and windows on the building.
Workers put final touches on new windows on the First Street side of the pavilion. A new street light pole has been installed as well.
This side of the pavilion building will open out onto a grassy area where outdoor eating and activities will be available. A row of trees seen on the right of the photo shields the area from First Street traffic.
Panoramic view of the cranes now in place on the Third Avenue Bridge as construction ramps up. With the bridge now closed to all traffic, pedestrians, bikes, etc. until November 2022, construction activity has increased significantly.
View of the three large cranes as seen from the path along the river in front of Water Works Park.