Info to Help You Prepare for the 2020 Elections

Via an e-notice from Hennepin County:
It may only be May but election season has already begun. We are offering a variety of ways to participate in elections from home this year. Here are a few things you can already do to participate in the 2020 elections.
Register to vote
Register to vote online with the Secretary of State.
File for office
Candidate filing opens today for offices with a potential primary. Candidates can file for office by mail, email or drop-off. Candidate filing closes at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 2. For more details visit our file for office webpage.
Apply for absentee ballots online
Apply for an absentee ballot online with the Secretary of State.
Some important dates to mark on your calendar:
- June 26 - Absentee voting opens for the primary election
- August 11 - Primary election
- November 3 – Presidential election
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