Ice Cream Cones & Gold Medal Park? You Betcha! DMNA Endorses Izzy's Design

Last night the DMNA endorsed the site plan for the Izzy's Ice Cream project across from Gold Medal Park in the Mill District of Minneapolis.
The building has a new design, and in a major change, will include an ice cream parlor where they'll scoop cones and make homemade waffles cones right onsite. Another significant announcement shared at the meeting was the addition of outdoor seating, including benches and 4 tables.
The project has weathered intense neighborhood opposition, including from Mill City Times, at previous meetings, but encountered almost none at last night's meeting. The changes announced by Izzy's owner Jeff Sommers last night change the nature of this project significantly. We think it will be an amenity for the neighborhood, the park, and the visitors from all over the region who use the park daily.
Kudos to Sommers and CPED Project Manager Miles Mercer for listening to the concerns of the community and coming up with a much improved project.
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