Highway 55 Ramp to 7th Street in Minneapolis Closing April 18-May 2

Via an April 14 City of Minneapolis e-newsletter:
Highway 55 ramp to Seventh Street in Minneapolis closing April 18-May 2
Minnesota Department of Transportation has announced that motorists will be unable to access Seventh Street from northbound Highway 55/Hiawatha Avenue beginning April 18 at 1 a.m., weather permitting. The ramp will remain closed through May 2.
Vehicles intending to access Seventh Street from Highway 55/Hiawatha Avenue will be detoured to Third Street and Fourth Avenue.
Traffic entering downtown Minneapolis from westbound I-94 will continue to use the existing ramp to Fifth Street during construction.
During the closure crews will continue to reconstruct a new westbound I-94 bridge/ramp to Seventh Street in downtown Minneapolis. Additional work includes installing a traffic signal system and making accessibility improvements for pedestrians at the intersection of Seventh Street and 13th Avenue.
The work is part of a larger project that includes realigning the existing westbound I-94 exit to Fifth Street by constructing a new section of ramp that will redirect traffic exiting westbound I-94 to Seventh Street instead of Fifth Street.
This project is a collaborative effort of the city of Minneapolis and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. For more information or to sign up for email project updates, visit the project page.