Hennepin Healthcare Requests Public Input on Their Equitable Vision For the Future of Healthcare

Via a September 9 News Release from Hennepin Healthcare:
Hennepin Healthcare is conducting a community engagement and planning process that will lead to a bold new strategy for a more just and equitable healthcare experience in Hennepin County and beyond.
“We are inviting our community of patients, team members, and neighbors to help us create the future of Hennepin Healthcare,” said CEO Jennifer DeCubellis. “Health care is at a crossroads right now and Hennepin Healthcare faces decisions about its physical facilities that can no longer be deferred. We’ve been here for more than 130 years and now is the right time for our community to help us reimagine how we can provide care to improve outcomes and address inequities, and provide better value, access, and community benefit for the next 100 years.”
Community wisdom means that the lived experiences of patients, team members, families, neighbors, and community-at-large will inform how Hennepin Healthcare continues to care for people in the ways they need and want to seek and receive care.
“It is important for us to partner on developing health care services and facilities that are not only ‘for us’ but also ‘by us’. Working together will get us to the goal of eliminating health inequities in our community,” said Chief Health Equity Officer Nneka Sederstrom, PhD, MPH, MA, FCCP, FCCM.
To bring the voices of the community into the planning process, patients, team members, neighbors, and the broader community have been participating in interviews, visioning sessions, creative conversations, community pop ups and a survey.
A virtual community forum is scheduled for Sept. 16, from 11:30 – 1 PM. This event is open to all - register here.
The healthcare system is actively listening to the voices of the community to lay the groundwork for a comprehensive and responsive plan. Partners with deep local trust and Minnesota roots are working alongside the system to build the vision for the future. Imagine Deliver, a highly respected local design firm, is working with Hennepin Healthcare on the community engagement phase and the results will inform development of a business strategy and an integrated vision of how the system’s presence will be a transformative anchoring point for health equity in our community.
To learn more and stay informed, visit the Our Future website at www.hennepinhealthcare.org/ourfuture/
About Hennepin Healthcare