Hennepin Energy Recovery Center (HERC) to be featured on the History Channel tonight, April 17

The Hennepin Energy Recovery Center (HERC) will be featured on the premier episode of the History Channel's newest show, America's Wake-Up Call. Tune in tonight, April 17 at 9:00pm (CST) to the one-hour show that looks at America's infrastructure and the toll that time has taken on it. Host Timothy Galarnyk, a safety inspector with more than 35 years of experience, sets out to explore the condition of infrastructure in cities throughout the U.S. – uncovering projects and structures that are deteriorating and finding examples that are working.
HERC and several other Hennepin County projects, including the construction of the Lowry Avenue bridge and the Hennepin County Transportation Department's use of technology for projects such as snowplowing and traffic signal timing, are featured as examples of how proactive decisions and well-maintained facilities can ensure the safety and efficient operation of our infrastructure.
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