Hennepin County Board Adopts Updated Bicycle Plan

Via an April 14 Hennepin County News Release:
Hennepin County board adopts updated bicycle plan
Hennepin County and Three Rivers Park District worked together to update a county-wide bicycle plan that reflects current and growing use of cycling in the region. The plan, called the Hennepin County 2040 Bicycle Transportation Plan, will guide the county’s work to expand the bikeway system, improve safety for people who bicycle, walk or drive, increase bicycling for transportation, and improve the health of county residents.
This plan, replaces the 1997 plan. Since 1997, the county has made great progress in enhancing its bicycle transportation network. It has built and funded more than 136 miles of new bikeways and closed 59 gaps in the bicycle network. Bicycle commuting has doubled in Hennepin County since 2000 from 0.8 percent to 1.6 percent of trips to work.
The plan includes 45 strategies and more than 170 action items that address infrastructure, education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation. The plan also recommends the continuation of current county practices that contribute to the goals of the Hennepin County Pedestrian Plan and the Transportation System Plan.
Bicycle usage and interest continue to grow in Hennepin County. Transportation costs have increased and there is greater public concern about the environmental impacts of transportation. There is also a greater emphasis on active living and the public health benefits of bicycling.
Goals of the county bike plan:
•Quadruple the number of bicycle commuters from 2012’s 12,000 people to 48,000 people by 2040
•Complete an average of 20 miles of the bikeway system each year.
•Close an average of five bikeway gaps each year
•Achieve an access level where 90 percent of homes in Hennepin County are within one-half mile of a bikeway or within a mile of the enhanced bikeway network by 2040
•Move toward zero bicycle deaths
•Halve bicycle crashes per capita from 2010 levels by 2040
Development and implementation
Hennepin County will lead implementation of the plan, but also partner with other agencies and cities. This plan is a guide for supporting the vision of increasing bicycling within Hennepin County. Implementation of the plan requires additional action by the county board through the annual capital appropriations and cooperative funding agreements.
Development of the plan began in spring 2013, with community engagement activities throughout the plan drafting process. The plan was available for public comment in fall 2014 and winter 2015. It has been revised based on comments received.
For more information or to view the full plan, visit www.hennepin.us/bike.
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