Hennepin Avenue Downtown Reconstruction Project - June 16 Update

Hennepin Avenue Downtown Reconstruction Project
Hennepin Ave. will be reconstructed between 12th Street and Washington Avenue. The City will reconstruct the pavement from building face to building face, including improvements to public and private utility infrastructure, and improved space for pedestrians, bicycles, transit, and vehicles.
Latest Project News
The Mainline concrete pavement was completed this week. All that remains is the pavement lanes in the 6th street intersection.
Sidewalk areas, ped ramps, and bike lanes have been the focus this past week.
What's Coming Up
The 6th Street intersection will be reduced to 1-lane starting Monday. Expect traffic delays on 6th Street for morning rush hour. Removals will begin for preparation and paving of that next lane of traffic across the intersection.
The last quadrant of sidewalk in the 7th Street intersection will be completed next week, and the intersection will be back open to 3 lanes late in the week.
Planter rails will continued to be installed north of 5th Street.
For more information please see attached update. Hennepin_Update_Vol96.pdf
Contact Info
For more information on this project contact: