Great River Coalition Weighs in on 2040 Plan

Dear Minneapolis City Council Members, and Mayor Frey:
The Great River Coalition (GRC) is a member-supported 501 c3 nonprofit organization. Our mission is to advocate for preserving, protecting and promoting the historic, commercial and environmental vitality of the Mississippi River, the Metropolitan area and its relationship to the people and our communities. GRC appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Minneapolis 2040 Plan draft.
Dear Minneapolis City Council Members, and Mayor Frey:The Great River Coalition (GRC) is a member-supported 501 c3 nonprofitorganization. Our mission is to advocate for preserving, protecting and promotingthe historic, commercial and environmental vitality of the Mississippi River, theMetropolitan area and its relationship to the people and our communities. GRCappreciates the opportunity to comment on the Minneapolis 2040 Plan draft.
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