Get Ready for the Northern Spark!

The Northern Spark gets under way at 8:55pm this coming Saturday night (June 4) with two simultaneous world premiere fanfares:
In Minneapolis, Chris Kallmyer's commissioned composition, for dawn or dusk // homeward for 100+ local musicians playing trumpet, trombone/baritone, percussion and piccolo along the Stone Arch Bridge will kick things off. Afterwards, there are numerous projects to experience in Zone A of the Festival.
Car Horn Fanfareby Philip Blackburn in collaboration with ArtCars of Minnesota will take place in Saint Paul along the Upper Landing Park across from Harriet Island. Immediately following the fanfare, Jim Campbell's Scattered Light will illuminate, Andrea Stanislav's Nightmare will gallop past, the Jonathan Paddleford will have already left with its Mississippi Megalops – A Floating Chautauqua organized by Works Progress, and, if all goes according to plan, the searchlights along Wabasha Bridge will be switched on for the second time in a decade.
At first the notion of trying to take in this Minneapolis to St. Paul riverfront festival seemed a little daunting. However, a thorough review of the website brought things into perspective.
For example, there are 5 Zones - our neighborhood is Zone A: Minneapolis Riverfront Central Avenue and Stone Arch Bridge. The website shows events, food vendors, etc., for each Zone. There's also a Getting Aroundpage from which you can download a pdf of the guide book prior to the event. There will also be guide books available at the festival. For those who want to take in both Minneapolis and St. Paul projects, free buses will be running a continuous loop between the two cities.
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