Fitness Together of Minneapolis Introduces Aspire 8

When it comes to exercising, not all workouts are the same. And that’s just the way Fitness Together of Minneapolis wants it.
The Fitness Together studio located at 1024 Washington Ave. S., part of a franchise network of one-on-one personal training, specializes in tailoring workouts for each and every client’s abilities, needs and goals. The science of crafting the right fitness routine just got better, according to Randy Zarecki, local franchise owner. The company recently unveiled Aspire 8, a proprietary program that will guide the studio’s personal trainers as they match each client’s aspirations to a custom fitness program designed to meet clients at their current fitness level and progressively move them forward.
“If we have 60 clients, there will be 60 tailored workouts in one-on-one sessions at our private studio with a personal trainer,” says Zarecki. “That’s the individual attention that gets results, pushes clients to excel, and takes the routine out of a fitness routine.”
The Aspire 8 program was released nationwide to Fitness Together studios in July. The system will help Fitness Together trainers classify each client into one of four training zones based on their current fitness level. Then, the personal trainer will work with the client individually to build a customized program designed to progressively move that client toward higher levels of fitness. The workouts will continue to evolve and adapt to the levels of improved health and fitness for each individual client ensuring that they continue to improve.
“The Aspire 8 program evolves with a Fitness Together client who is increasingly getting in better shape,” Zarecki added. “It addresses the age-old question: How come I work out all the time but don’t lose weight?”
According to Zarecki, the results-oriented approach to exercising is one reason Fitness Together continues to excel as a growing national chain. And Zarecki expects the Aspire 8 program to keep loyal Minneapolis customers coming back, turning many into clients for life.
“We approach health and fitness as a lifestyle, and our personal trainers and fitness studio play an incredibly important role in the lives of clients,” Zarecki added. “We’re not a volume business that focuses on dues versus usage. We’re about a very high level of service for people in Minneapolis who want real results that will last. We make the most of their valuable time each and every session in a way they won’t get anywhere else. The Aspire 8 program will take that to the next level.”
For more info:
1024 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone - 612-378-8898
Web -
Hours - Call for appointment
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