Filing Period for November 7 Election is Closed - List of Candidates Available Online

The candidate filing period for this November’s municipal election is closed, and all of the candidates who filed to run for Mayor, City Council, the Board of Estimate and Taxation, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRC) will be on ballot Election Day, Tuesday, November 7. The list of candidates is available at online.
Minneapolis voters will use ranked-choice voting to elect a Mayor and members of the City Council, Board of Estimate and Taxation, and Park and Recreation Board. Ranked-choice voting is a way of voting that eliminates the need for separate primary elections. Voters rank up to three candidates for each office. The ballot has three columns, and choices are made from left to right in those columns. Ranked-choice voting is used only for municipal elections in Minneapolis.
The City has an elections-focused website: This website is a central place to go for accurate, timely information about this year’s election and ranked-choice voting. The fresh, intuitive design is focused on the user, with content on the site arranged according to specific audiences including voters, candidates, volunteers and students.