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February 25 Ward 7 Updates from Council Member Lisa Goodman

Editor's note - there are some bad links in this post that I was not able to find corrections for.

Good afternoon Ward 7 residents and friends.  With the upcoming trial and the number of calls and emails my office has received I thought it was extremely important to have a public briefing on the planning the city and our partners have done related to the trial. This public briefing has now been scheduled at my urging for Monday morning. It will include multiple departments within the city talking about their work. No planning is perfect, but I wanted to ensure that residents citywide had as many opportunities as possible to learn about what many city staff from multiple different departments are thinking and planning as we move into this trial.

We do not have all the answers but what we have I think is extremely important to share. The cities priorities are to allow for and encourage peaceful protesting and equally ensuring that people and businesses are kept safe.  These are extraordinary times due to the convergence of many events; I hope you’re able to tune in to this briefing and that it is helpful.  Wishing you all a good weekend.


Public Briefing on City Security Plans Related to Chauvin Trial Set for Monday, March 1


On Monday, March 1, at 10:00 am, City staff will provide a public briefing about plans and preparations being made to ensure community safety for the upcoming trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin.

That briefing can be watched live on the City’s website at or on Comcast channels 14 or 799. Following the live broadcast, a recording of the presentation will be available on the City’s YouTube channel at

Public Briefing: Public Safety Plans & Preparations

Date: March 1, 2021

Time: 10:00 a.m.

  1. Welcome & Introductory Comments: City Coordinator Mark Ruff
  2. MPD Presentation: Chief Medaria Arradondo & Commander Scott Gerlicher
  3. MFD Presentation: Chief Brian Tyner
  4. Community Supports—
    1. a) Communications: Director Greta Bergstrom
    2. b) Neighborhood & Community Relations: Director David Rubedor
    3. c) Office of Violence Prevention: Health Commissioner Gretchen Musicant
    4. d) Community Planning & Economic Development: Economic Policy & Development Director Erik Hansen
  5. Questions & Answers
  6. Conclusion

Minneapolis Downtown Council Provides Additional Resources Surrounding the Chauvin Trial


We encourage you and your organization to follow the official Operation Safety Net social media channels for additional timely and accurate information. Here are the handles to follow: Facebook  |  Instagram  |  Twitter

For more information please visit our trial resource page at This page includes an FAQ, the expected trial timeline and information, helpful phone numbers, maps and general downtown skyway and business updates.

Update on Preparations for Upcoming Chauvin Trial


Mayor Jacob Frey, along with other City and Metro Transit officials, held another media briefing Feb. 24 to share updates on preparedness plans ahead of the March trial of former MPD officer Derek Chauvin.

Briefing highlights

  • The Minneapolis Police Department is continuing to work with law enforcement partners to ensure the success of Operation Safety Net, which brings together local and state law enforcement agencies under a unified command to respond to any civil unrest interrupting peaceful protests during the upcoming trial. Minneapolis Police Deputy Chief Erick Fors highlighted the shared commitment to dedicating law enforcement personnel to business corridors, especially those hit hardest during last summer’s civil unrest, as a deterrent to destructive behavior.
  • Metro Transit is actively working to identify and plan for potential disruptions to Metro Transit service. At this time, no disruptions are planned for service to downtown Minneapolis. As the trial progresses and approaches verdict time, detours around Hennepin County Government Center are anticipated. Those service changes will be communicated through Metro Transit rider alerts and social media, among other communications channels.
  • The City’s Office of Violence Prevention plans to fund a network of community-based groups that can be activated during periods of heightened tension during the remainder of 2021, including during the trials of the former officers involved in the killing of George Floyd. The groups will assist in providing accurate information and resources with the community. The City Council’s Policy & Government Oversight Committee is reviewing the request for application process for the community groups this afternoon.
  • The City’s Community Planning and Economic Development Department continues to work directly with businesses, business associations and technical assistance providers to collaboratively develop information on what business and property owners need to know to keep properties secure and workers and customers safe. It’s important we keep supporting our local businesses during these challenging and uncertain times. The City recommends businesses develop emergency preparedness plans. has sample plans and guidance. Businesses can also reach out to 612-673-2499 or with questions about advanced preparation before the trial, business operations during the trial and general information about regulations and resources.
  • Note: The City Council will be briefed about the City’s plans and preparations related to the upcoming Chauvin trial 10 a.m. Monday, March 1. The meeting will be broadcast and livestreamed on City Council TV and the City’s YouTube channel.


  • On March 1, Sixth Street South (the street and both sidewalks) will be closed between Third and Fourth avenues next to the Hennepin County Government Center. Currently, other streets will remain open. The City will provide updates when other closures are anticipated.
  • The City of Minneapolis is committed to working with the community to reconnect 38th and Chicago after the conclusion of the Chauvin trial. The City is sending surveys out to residents and businesses near the intersection to determine a preferred option to preserve the memorial and art while ensuring delivery of critical services in the area. Learn more.

The next public briefing is planned for 10 a.m., Monday, March 1.

City Hosting Online Open Houses for Hennepin South Reconstruction Project


The City of Minneapolis is holding online open houses March 2 and March 4 to share and receive input on draft concept designs for the reconstruction of Hennepin Avenue South between Douglas Avenue and West Lake Street. Attendees will have the opportunity to view a presentation, provide comments and ask questions of project staff.

The City plans to reconstruct this section of Hennepin Avenue starting in 2024. The reconstruction project provides an opportunity to redesign Hennepin Avenue to meet the needs of current and future users of the street.

Project goals include improving the sidewalk and intersections for all users, evaluating bicycle network connectivity, providing space for enhanced transit stops for future METRO E Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service, replacing aging infrastructure and maintaining and enhancing traffic flow for transit and motor vehicles.

Online open houses

  • 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, March 2
  • 6:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 4

Visit the project website for instructions on how to attend the online meetings. For those unable to attend, open house materials including interactive draft concept designs and a recording of the presentation will be posted to the project website to view. The draft concept designs and comment form will also be available for input through April 16, 2021.

March 2: Updates on Transforming Community Safety Online Meeting


An online meeting on the City’s work to transform community safety has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 2 at 6:00 pm.

Here’s the direct link to the meeting:

Link to the updated FB event:

The City of Minneapolis is committed to a goal of safety for everyone in Minneapolis. On June 12, 2020, the City Council passed a resolution committing to creating a transformative new model for cultivating safety in Minneapolis.

Since then, internal work groups and key stakeholders have been exploring ways to develop an integrated community safety response that works for everyone.

Three pillars of community safety

The City’s realignment to provide a holistic community safety response will take place in phases over time with much staff, partner and community participation. It focuses on three main areas:

  • A public-health-oriented response for preventing violence.
  • Alternatives to police response for 911 calls.
  • Reforming law enforcement policies, protocols and practices.

Some of the work in progress includes:

  • Minneapolis’ crime prevention specialists (CPS) now report to the Neighborhood & Community Relations Department instead of the Police Department. The change reflects the crime prevention specialists’ roles in community engagement. Nothing will change as far as work location, scope of work, job titles and programs offered to the community without further planning and engagement.
  • If you have a mental health crisis in Minneapolis, you can continue to call 911 or the Cope mobile crisis team in Hennepin County: 612-596-1223 (for adults in Hennepin County) and 612-348-2233 (for children 17 and under). In 2021, two mental health teams will be available 24/7 for crisis calls. This means police may not provide the primary response for a mental health crisis call or police may still respond if the mental health teams are both on current calls.
  • To report theft of property damage, you can call 311, 911 or submit an online report. As part of a pilot this year, City employees (non-sworn officers) will take theft and property damage reports from residents.

Stay up to date

Stay updated on this work by visiting the City’s community safety webpage where you can see updated information on the three focus areas, key milestones and information presented to the community in an earlier presentation. You can also share your thoughts about what community safety looks like to you. Information will also be shared out over a variety of channels in many languages.

Staff will present regular community safety updates at City Council meetings. The first was a Health Department presentation on the first phase of engagement around public-health-oriented violence prevention. This presentation included a summary of the first phase of the online survey, stakeholder interviews and focus groups. Staff from the City Coordinator’s Office also provided an update on the alternatives to police response work rolling out this year.

COVID-19 Situation Update as of February 24, 2021


Situational updates: Minneapolis

  • As of February 24, there are 32,628 cases in Minneapolis and 385 deaths. The total number of cases and hospitalizations increased by less than 1% over the previous week. ICU admissions increased by slightly more than 1% over last week. Minneapolis-specific data are available at
  • Over the past week, there have been about 40 new cases per day on average. This rate has decreased significantly and is now on par with September 2020 levels.
  • The seven-day rolling average case rate for Minneapolis is just under 10 cases per 100,000. This rate has steadily decreased for the past four weeks and appears to be plateauing.
  • Based on recent case rates and other data, Mayor Frey lifted Emergency Regulation 2020-17, which banned seating at bar counters in Minneapolis businesses. This action brings the City’s rules for bars in line with the State’s Emergency Order 2021-01. Details are available on the City’s Guidance for Restaurants, Bars and Breweries and Distilleries web page.
  • Mayor Frey’s Emergency Regulation No. 12 regarding masks remains in effect. The regulation requires people to wear face masks in all indoor public places.
  • As of February 22, all Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) elementary students have the option of returning to in-person learning. Following guidance from the State’s updated Safe Learning Plan, MPS is exploring options to bring middle and high school students back to the classroom in April. The Minneapolis Health Department continues to serve as a resource for MPS leaders as they make decisions about in-person learning.

Situational updates: Minnesota

  • As of February 24, there are 480,845 cases in Minnesota out of over 7.2 million tests completed. There have been 6,443 deaths from COVID-19 in Minnesota. There are 99,738 cases and 1,576 deaths in Hennepin County.
  • The State uses a color-coded map to track a seven-day rolling average of new cases. As of February 15, Minnesota is reporting 13.3 cases per 100,000.
  • The State continues to work with the CDC to conduct surveillance of newly identified strains of COVID-19 in Minnesota. To date, 43 cases of the B.1.1.7 variant (first found in the U.K.) and two cases of the P.1 variant (which first emerged in Brazil) have been detected in Minnesota
  • The State recently launched the COVID-19 Vaccine Connector — a new tool to help Minnesotans find out when, where, and how to get their COVID-19 vaccine. Minnesotans unable to sign up online can call 833-431-2053 for assistance signing up over the phone. Interpretation is available by phone in all languages.
  • The statewide mask mandate remains in effect. People are required to wear masks in all indoor public places where people gather and some outdoor venues where physical distancing is difficult.
  • Governor Walz’s Executive Order 21-07, loosening COVID-19 restrictions for certain businesses, remains in effect.
  • Today the State announced a new focus on testing for young people, asking families to get tested every two weeks from now until the end of the school year. MDH officially launched the campaign which will include targeted outreach to families, health professionals, schools, and youth organizations to encourage regular COVID-19 testing.

Health Department Incident Command updates

  • The Health Department is offering multiple community testing and vaccination clinics every week. Any City employee who is interested in volunteering at these events should fill out this brief survey. Staff who volunteer will receive training and personal protective equipment, including COVID vaccination for those volunteering at multiple events. Currently, we have about 50 non-Health Department staff signed up to participate. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered!

Case investigation/Contact tracing

  • We continue to conduct contact tracing and case investigation activities. Of the cases in Minneapolis, 65% have been interviewed and 2.4% have refused. Thirty-two percent of cases have been lost to follow-up and less than 1% of new Minneapolis cases still need to be interviewed. We are conducting about 20% of interviews in languages other than English.
  • We have 50 active case investigators, including two non-MHD enterprise staff and 17 AmeriCorps staff. Case investigators are interviewing an average of 30 cases per shift and making an average of 80 calls per shift, plus conducting workplace and other contact follow-up.
  • We are conducting case investigation and contact tracing for Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) staff who have been diagnosed, exposed, or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, and providing recommendations to MPS on next steps. We are receiving an average of three situations that require follow-up per day.

COVID-19 vaccination planning and distribution

  • We are partnering with Hennepin Healthcare to provide vaccinations in Minneapolis. To date, we have given out almost 5,000 doses.
  • This week, we are hosting 13 clinics focused on healthcare providers, assisted living and congregate care facilities, teachers and school staff.
  • We are partnering with the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) to offer vaccinations for public housing residents living in 39 MPHA highrise buildings. Buildings with large concentrations of senior residents will be prioritized. First doses will be administered starting March 8 at Horn Towers. Interpretation services will be provided and the Minneapolis Fire Department will provide on-site post-vaccine observation support.
  • Vaccine demand continues to far outpace available doses and supply has been impacted by recent cold weather in the southern U.S. While waiting to be vaccinated, help stop the spread of the virus by continuing to wash your hands, stay 6 ft apart, and wear a mask.

COVID-19 vaccination education

  • We invite you to use the new Minneapolis COVID Vaccine webpageThis site provides the public with information about vaccine safety, a timeline for local vaccine distribution, and answers to frequently asked questions. Visitors can use the Google Translate function located on the left side of the page to view the information in multiple languages. It is also linked to information from the CDC, and the State’s new Vaccine Connector tool. Please help us promote this resource widely.
  • We are providing virtual presentations to community organizations, City boards and commissions, MPHA highrise resident councils, neighborhood organizations, and other groups interested in learning more about COVID-19 vaccination, testing, and virus mitigation. To request a presentation, fill out a request form on the new Vaccine webpage (forms are available in EnglishSpanishSomali, and Hmong).
  • We are hosting vaccine briefings for Enterprise Leaders every other Monday from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. The next briefing is scheduled for Monday, March 8. Past recordings can be found on the COVID Vaccination Channel.

COVID-19 testing

  • We continue to offer regular community testing events, which are free and open to everyone. In the past week, we provided 86 COVID-19 saliva tests at three community events. In addition, our School Based Clinic staff have tested 27 athletes, coaches, and school engineers over the past three weeks at Patrick Henry High School.
  • Local and state testing rates have decreased by 67%. Despite the vaccine roll-out, it is still important to get tested to help stop the spread of the virus. Please help us promote the following Minneapolis Health Department saliva testing events:

Columbia Manor, 3300 Central Ave. N.E., February 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25 (4 p.m. to 7 p.m.). No pre-registration required.

Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, 1301 10th Ave N., February 27 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). No pre-registration required.

Minneapolis Public Schools Davis Center, 1250 West Broadway, March 13 and 20 (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.). No pre-registration required. Conducted with Power of People Leadership Institute.

The State also offers free testing at the following locations:

Minneapolis Convention Center - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends. Visit the State’s COVID-19 testing web page to register.

Brooklyn Park Starlight Center – 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends. Visit the State’s COVID-19 testing web page to register.

Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport - 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week. Visit the State’s COVID-19 testing web page to register.

  • The City's testing web page offers information on testing sites and guidance about what to do while you wait for COVID-19 test results. Staying away from others while you wait for your results is extremely important, especially if you have any symptoms.
  • We are offering free saliva testing kits and on-site testing for MPS and other schools, community partners, organizations, and businesses. To date, we have fulfilled 98 requests and provided almost 9,000 test kits. Please use this form to submit a request for testing kits or onsite testing.
  • Any person in Minnesota can order a free at-home saliva test kit from the State’s COVID-19 Test at Home program. The test will be delivered to your home with rush shipping.


  • Health inspectors recently hosted two trainings for business owners to help boost their compliance with state and local COVID regulations. As businesses continue to re-open, we will assess the need for additional training opportunities.
  • Inspectors continue to respond to complaints and assist businesses in making adjustments to meet COVID regulations. Last week, we responded to two complaints of businesses not following masking guidance and one business not following restrictions on operating hours.

Responding to community needs

  • We continue to have a good inventory of personal protective equipment available (cloth and surgical masks, hand sanitizer, and gloves). Community groups, businesses, and individuals can request these supplies through the COVID-19 Requests and Inquiries form on the City’s website.
  • For community members planning to participate in public gatherings or events during the upcoming trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin, please wear a mask to help reduce the spread of the virus. Organizations can request masks or other supplies from the City using the same form linked above.

The City specific COVID email address is:

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