Fall Street Sweeping Begins October 17

Crews are preparing to sweep streets across Minneapolis this month and November to clean the streets before winter. Street sweeping helps keep leaves and debris out of the storm drains and from ending up in our lakes and creeks and the Mississippi River.
Minneapolis Public Works will begin the big task of curb-to-curb street sweeping throughout the city Tuesday, October 17. During the four weeks of the comprehensive fall street sweep, crews will clean about 1,000 miles of city streets. To make sure crews can do the best job possible, temporary hot pink “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance so streets will be clear of cars when they’re swept. The first signs will be posted Monday, October 16, and sweeping will begin the next day. Anyone who parks on the street will need to follow posted parking rules or their cars may be ticketed and towed.
Ways to stay informed of the parking rules:
- Interactive web feature – The Street Sweeping Schedule Map is available on the City’s website. Visitors to the website will be able to find out which week their street is scheduled to be swept. Then, on the weekend before each of the four weeks, the schedule for the upcoming week will be broken down to show which day of the week streets are scheduled to be swept.
- “No Parking” signs – City crews will post “No Parking” signs at least 24 hours before sweeping any streets. Parking will be banned from 7am to 4:30pm on the day a street is swept. However, the “No Parking” signs will be removed as soon as possible after a street has been completely swept to allow people to resume parking after the signs are removed. Vehicles not in compliance with “No Parking” signs may be ticketed and towed to the Minneapolis Impound Lot. The sweeping takes several steps, so people should not resume parking until the signs are removed.
- Email and text alerts – You can sign up to get an alert automatically emailed or texted to you at the start of street sweeping.
- Social media – The City will use Facebook and Twitter to post periodic street sweeping updates and information.
- Videos – Street sweeping is explained in English, Spanish, Somali and Hmong on the City’s YouTube channel and on Minneapolis City TV.
* * Clean streets mean healthier water * *
Minneapolis streets are swept completely curb to curb with enforcement of parking rules once in the spring and again in the fall. You can do your part by not pushing leaves, grass clippings or other debris into City streets. It’s bad for our lakes and waterways, it can cause safety hazards and it’s against the law.
Leaves that wash into storm drains end up in our lakes and creeks and the Mississippi River. They may quickly begin to break down, creating pollutants that overfertilize lake water and help harmful aquatic plants and algae grow. The murky lake water that results is not good for swimming or fishing. It can also harm wildlife and pets.