Explore Minneapolis Ecology Via New Online Mapping Tool

A screenshot showing map layers for all parkland and stormwater pipe watersheds
Ecological System Plan online mapping tool illustrates relationship between park system and water, air, land, and life in Minneapolis
A new interactive mapping tool is available to explore maps included in the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Ecological System Plan. This customizable online resource can display more than 60 layers of information across four main topics: water, air, land, and life.
People are encouraged to explore the map layers to learn about how Minneapolis' park system, public infrastructure and ecology interact!
Ecological System Plan Mapping Tool
About the Ecological System Plan
The Ecological System Plan was adopted in fall 2020. It outlines how and where to address environmental consideration in the work the MPRB does on its own and in partnership with other organizations. This plan is the first of its kind and one of many referenced and used in the development of park plans and implementation of park projects.
Creating this tool completes Goal M, Strategy 46 in the Ecological System Plan. Review the Recommendations and Next Steps chapter linked below, along with the rest of the plan, for more information about plan goals, strategies and recommendations.
Ecological System Plan
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Water
Chapter 3: Air
Chapter 4: Land
Chapter 5: Life
Chapter 6: Recommendations and Next Steps
Appendix: Maps