Downtown Aglow by Ric Rosow

Submitted by Mill District resident Ric Rosow
Downtown Aglow started out as a regular photograph of Downtown Minneapolis as seen from the Legacy. I experimented with the image by applying an artistic effect that transforms the image into fibers of color along mainly vertical and horizontal lines. The process allows me to control the luminosity, vibrance, brightness and opacity of the image, as well as to determine where the image is transformed into these fibers of colors.
I’ve taken many photographs of the downtown view, altering the angle of view from image to image. Sometimes I include the stadium, other times I include more of the river, sometimes such as in this one, I include only downtown. At times I zoom in on a specific building, at other times I take in as much as my wide-angle lens will allow. And on occasion I take multiple photographs and merge them into a panoramic. There are unique things to see almost every time I look.
In addition to that, what changes from photo to photo is based on the weather and the time of day, sunrise, midday or sunset. These affect not only the amount of light in the scene but the colors that are visible. Sunlight, moonlight and clouds change not only the appearance of the sky but affect the color of the sky and everything in the scene including the downtown buildings. Sunrise and sunsets bring out pinks, blue, red and yellow tones in the sky and in the clouds.
This photograph is one of my favorites. My wife and I have it displayed in our home printed on metal. Another print on metal is displayed in the House of HeART Airbnb in Northeast Minneapolis. Each room in the house, as well as the beautiful staircase to the second floor, is decorated with the art of a Minnesota artist. Downtown Aglow is in a large bedroom on the second floor with eight other photographs of mine. To view more of my work visit my website at: