Doug Verdier's Early May Water Works Photos

Editors Note: Mill District resident Doug Verdier continues to document the progress of the Water Works project.
With warmer weather, much progress is being made on construction of Water Works Park from end to end, both inside the pavilion and throughout the landscape. The scene changes almost daily. Large cranes put pre-cast concrete elements into place in multiple places, and it is becoming easier to visualize what the area will look like in several more months. Photos below were taken over the course of a week in early May.
Above, the former Columbia Mill foundation and lower walls have been stabilized, and the foundation has been refilled with dirt and sand prior to turning the area into a grassy space next to the pavilion underway (green walls). Previously, this area was a gravel parking lot across the street from RiverWest condo.
Interior framing underway in what will become the Sioux Chef restaurant on the 2nd level of the pavilion.
Restoration of exterior walls of former Occidental Mill takes patience and a good eye to get stones of proper size and fit in place. Seen from 1st Street.
Trenching along West River Parkway in preparation for continuing placement of stormwater capture and drainage system.
Part of the stormwater system in place. It will be covered when the line is complete.
Poured concrete walls that will be part of the edge of a sloping tree and grass-filled outdoor area overlooking a promenade below.
Teams of masonry workers in yellow vests restoring the existing walls of the Occidental Mill that will be part of the uphill side of the sloping landscaped overlook.
Excavation in general area of the future woonerf beneath the bridge on 1st Street.
View of the excavation and placement of stormwater system in future woonerf location. Plans call for a play area to be constructed in this general area next to a walkway leading down to lower level of the park. Photo taken from the bridge on 1st Street.
Cranes are a common sight these days as pre-cast concrete slabs are hoisted into place at a variety of locations within the park area.
Workers positioning concrete slab near newly constructed stairs next to the pavilion. The area in this photo will be known as the South Plaza.
Workers positioning concrete slab near newly constructed stairs next to the pavilion.